Silent Halls and Pastel Colors

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The school was quiet and almost empty. A few faculty members and students wandered around the halls. A teen stood in one of these halls digging through their locker. A group of boys approached this teen. It was a silent approach and held an air of cruelty around it.

"Hey Char," one boy chuckled. The teen ran their hand through their short, black hair and turned around to face the boys.

"Yeah? What do you want?" A boy with red hair grinned and glanced at the other boys. He cleared his throat and shifted the position in which he was standing.

"Well, we were just wondering something." The teen sighed, knowing what it was.

"Not again, Lucas."

"I haven't even told you yet, so shush. We were wondering what gender you are." The redhead, Lucas laughed and folded his arms.

"You know what I am, and it doesn't even matter." Lucas took a small step forward and wrapped his pale fingers around the collar of the teen's button down shirt.

"I say it does....faggot."

"It's Charlie. To be calling me that is a bit immature, don't you think?" Lucas twitched and his eyebrows dropped into a glare.

"I don't think I like the way you're speaking to me!" He shoved the teen to the floor, mostly to prove his strength. "Don't argue with anything I say." He rested his foot on top of Charlie, all the other boys laughing.

"I do whatever I want!" Charlie yelled.

"What did you just stay?" Lucas began to put more weight on his leg.

"I said I do whatever I want." Lucas lifted his leg off of Charlie and sighed.

"I really didn't want to do this." He kicked Charlie in the stomach with a look of obsession with the power he had. "Don't deny what you are, fag" Laughter echoed down the halls, taunting and cruel. The boys were so absorbed in what they were doing they thought they were alone.

They couldn't be more wrong. A thin, pale girl stood at the end of the hall. She chewed on the end of the sleave of her black sweater as she watched the boys. She slowly lowered her arm and walked forward.

"You aren't being very pastel." She said it just loud enough for the boys to hear it. They slowly turned to look at her while Charlie lay on the floor in pain.

"What the hell did she just say?" One boy questioned. The other boys' eyes widened in fear.

"Who cares? That's the principal's daughter, dipshit,"one yelped.

"Make a run for it," Lucas yelled as he began to run the other direction. The other boys followed in a panic as the girl burst out laughing.

"Oh my god. Did you see that? They all just ran. For a group of bullies, they're a bunch of wimps." She giggled and shook her head as she walked over to Charlie. Charlie stood up, and glared at the girl.

"I suppose you're expecting me to thank you for the help. After that you'll pick on me. I bet you just wanted me to yourself." The girl started to look disgusted as she folded her arms and came to a stop.

"Are you kidding me? This is how you thank me? My hair color is lavender. I walk around in sweaters to big for me. The only reason I'm not picked on is cause I'm the principal's daughter."
(Will be updating this certain chapter soon.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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