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It's not everyday the young dragon was allowed to go outside. Even on weekends, his two days off from school is often crowded with chores, tai-chi practice, and studying for pre-college classes to which he might not ever consider in the future. By the time he tackled every task, the dragon would only have less than an hour until the streetlights prepares themselves for their routine shift.

Today was different. Vector had planned to make the most out of his 4-hour time limit. He grabbed his Swiss Gear backpack (that happened to endure for over 12 years so far), lemonade, and began walking away from the driveway.

Vectors parents actually didn't mind allowing their son roaming in the neighborhood. What really kept him from doing so was the point that the neighborhood was exceededly infested with shootouts, rabid pets, and potential kidnappers. Vector himself happened to be completely aware that such things like these exist in todays world, however, he chose not to make a huge deal out of it.

A few minutes passed by, and before the young dragon knew it, he had made it to the well-known Circle-K everyone had usually gone to for snacks and cigars. He stopped in the parking lot, formulating what he should purchase from the store. In his moment of contemplation, a red Ram Power Wagon honked at him, demanding him to stay out of the way. Vector decided not to head inside and head back home. He knew the neighborhood in and out to which there wasnt anything to talk about whenever hes welcoming new neighbors on his street.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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