Prologue 💫

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"Charr if it doesn't work out i could always date you"
Yes, this text was from my crush . Yes, i should probably be happy that he's saying he could date me  buh lets go  back a lil bit to help you understand.
* 5 months ago*
J💤"You didn't tag him properly oo 👀"

  S🌺"It doesn't matter cuz it's the thought that counts"

J💤"Oh well,Im Jordan btw"

S🌺"My name is Simone buh everyone calls me M'akua"

J💤"That's a nice name"

Yhuppp...thats how our friendship started.  We met online. I know its really funny that i have a crush on a guy I've never met before buh say what you want...I don't really care. Anyways ,back to the story... After that day, we became really good friends and like the adolescent that I am, I developed feelings for him. The day I was finally going to confess to him was the day he told me he loved my close friend( she's in form 2 and her name is Alyssa btw) Oh wait, I forgot to introduce myself . Im Simone Maame Akua Boafo. Im 12...I'll be turning 13 tomorrow. Im in Form 1 and I attend QICHS( Queensland International Christian High  School)
As I was saying, he told me how much he loved her and wanted her to be in marriage and things like that.  I was so shattered not even broken ooo completely and utterly shattered. But, I also reminded myself that Alyssa was my bestie so I should be happy and since he was completely in love I decided to help him. He spoke to me about what was going on between them and how she sometimes made him really sad and sooo many other things. I read every word he said( cuz we were texting duh) (a/n: ik no one really says duhh anymore buh oh well🤷‍♀️😂) and answered accordingly to every single statement he made. Since then I'd been trying to stop the feelings I had  for him and as you may know, it takes anyways, here I was , watching my crush indirectly tell me that I'm second best. Now, you know why i was not pleased with his text message. I told him I wasn't pleased and he said sorry to me many times. Then, he texted:

J💤 "Who is your crush?".

S🌺 "Do you really want to know" I texted.

J💤 "Yes please 😊"

S🌺 "I kinda have a crush on you buh I've been trying to stop ever since I realized you liked Alyssa"

J💤"Yeahh I know"

So he knew this whole time

S🌺"How did you know?"

J💤"You were kinda showing sings of it "

🤦🏾‍♀️Gosh how was i so careless with my feelingssss!!!!! I thought.  Well anyways he was older so i guessed he had more experience with girls.
. . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .


13 and In Love (The Author's Really Confused Here)Where stories live. Discover now