Desolated Village

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After walking around for a while checking some houses, there are no curses anywhere, much less humans. It was strange, with so many miasma around in the air, there should be countless curses in this village.

"This is very strange. Why don't we see any curses?" Naobito couldn't help but ask.

"There is a possibility that they left in search of another village." Akifumi stopped in front of an old house.

"Why would they do that? In the past they stayed still in one place for a long time." Naobito frowned.

"These curses are different, they are more active." Akifumi slide open the fusuma and entered.

Naobito followed him inside, he was going to ask what he meant by the curses being more active, when he realized that there were two people inside the house. Akifumi approached the two children hugging each other as they sat on the tatami, his blue eyes focused on the young men's facial features. Both of them were already infected by the corruption caused by the miasma, their faces were already disfigured, looking like a grotesque creature.

"Please help us, or at least help my little brother." The older boy looked at the sorcerer and begged for help.

Akifumi shook his head. "I can't help you, you are already too corrupted by the miasma."

"Please, please! I'm begging you, save him!" The older brother hugged his younger brother tightly.

"You know I can't do anything for you, you can't be saved, you're both already lost in the darkness."

Akifumi did not have the means to save those children, the only one with the power to save the corrupted is the blessed one. But his son Gojo Satoru is still a child who knows nothing and cannot control his divine powers.

"We cannot help you, but I can grant you a quick death." Naobito unsheathed his katana.

Akifumi just stared at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes, he knows that there is no way to save those children, so before they completely turn into a grotesque curse it is better to kill them.

Naobito plunged his katana into the younger boy's chest, blood gushing from his mouth and staining his brother's clothes. The older brother screamed in pain hugging his younger brother's corpse.

Akifumi turned his back on the scene, he can't bear to see such a heartbreaking scene. When Naobito took out his sword from the corpse's chest, the older brother tried to attack him, but in the blink of an eye, Naobito cut him down.

"I don't understand, why do you insist on staying away from this cursed world? You should learn to be less sensitive, otherwise you will be consumed by your own sadness." Naobito put away his katana.

"I don't need you, of all people, to tell me that." Akifumi walked towards the fusuma, he wanted to leave this village quickly.

Naobito didn't say anything else, he also left the house following Akifumi, it's time to continue the investigation.

"What did you mean when you said the curses are more active?" Naobito asked.

"The portals are getting closer and closer to the empire city, this means that the curses are looking for someone." Akifumi replied.

"Someone? Who could they be looking for?" Naobito asked confused.

"They are looking for the reincarnation of the son of the Lord of Hell." Akifumi looked at the horizon.

"The son of the lord of hell, do you mean that child who appeared in the prophecy that was made years ago and who fought the endless battle against the blessed one?" Naobito raised an eyebrow.

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