The Beginning

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 It's started on a midsummer's evening at 3:45pm on a bus with a guy named Damian. He usually sat at the back on the left side and he usually rode home with his sister and some little kids who got off at his stop. Not a lot of people rode that bus, because most of them lived in town near the school and/or had a ride or drove. He was just heading home from a long day of school. When he ended up falling asleep on the bus and about a few seconds late his sister came up to him and shook him.

"Hey bro, wake up it's our stop. Don't make m-,"said his sister.

"Alright, I am up Clara,"said Damian

"Come on slow poke."said Clara as she pulls on his arm and starts to get off the bus.

He soon gets off the bus and walks down the sidewalk as the brightly orange glow of a sun shines behind him. He sees his sister running off and talking with some of the kids that were on the bus. Soon the kids wave to her and turn to go a different direction to where our house is. She turns back at him and seems to be run toward Damian.

"Hey, you seem down. What's wrong?"said Clara.

"No, why do you ask?"said Damian.

"Just wondering,"said Clara.

Then it goes silent for the rest of the walk home. As they get home Clara runs into the house to go see mom and dad. Damian sees Clara nearly tackle dad and mom with a hug as he gets to the front door.

"Can't believe she is only seven, and I remember how I used to do that all of the time when I got home,"thought Damian.

He enters the house and sees his old pal Leo who is a saint Bernard. Leo is quite large in length and height, he is white with some brown. He is very calm, gentle, friendly and watchful. He is about the same age as Clara so around seven years old. Leo walks up to Damian as for he might be petted. As he thought Leo gets pet and Damian heads up stairs with Leo slowly following behind. As he gets to to his room he hears a thud from downstairs. He goes back to the stairs to listen to hear what happened.

"Hey hun, are you alright?"said mom.

"Yeah, thanks for asking,"said Clara.

"Be careful, you can't be running around. You could've been hurt badly," said mom.

"Okay, I am sorry,"said Clara

"Okay, I guess everythings handled,"thought Damian.

He turns back to go to his room and Leo follows right behind him. He enters his room on the end of the hallway and throws his back on his desk. He grabs his computer and hops onto his bed. He pulls up a game he plays regularly and after awhile he starts to drift asleep.

"Hey wake up, sleeping beauty. We don't have all day,"said someone.

-to be Continued

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