Babies and changes (pg. 14)

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(Andy's POV)

One week later I find myself walking to the ultrasound room, hand in hand with the girl I love. I'm nervous as hell. What if Juliet is telling the truth? Am I really ready to be a dad? I have no answer to that last one. But if Juliet went this far, she has to be telling the truth.

"Mr. Biersack?"

"That's me. Can she come too?" I asked, the nurse nodded her head and we followed. Juliet was already laying back, and the nurse rolled the machine in.

Juliet looked at Bella, and then at our hands that were intertwined, and scowled.

"Does she have to be in here?" She asked, irritated.

"Yeah, she does. If she's not here, I'm not here." I say.

The nurse puts the jell in her stomach.

"Holy shit that's colder than hell!" She said. I kept in the urge to laugh. I felt Bella squeeze my hand, she saw my face change.

"Ok, now it might take a few seconds to find the little one. How far are you Ms. Simms?" She nurse asked her. I looked at her, I hadn't even thought about that.

"I believe I'm about 1 to 2 1/2 months." The last time we had sex  was about 2 1/2 months ago. I felt my stomach drop. This time I squeezed Bella's hand. She squeezed back. After a few more minutes of the nurse looking, she found a little blob.

"Well Ms. Simms, say hello to your baby!" She exclaimed. She showed us the monitor. Low and behold, Juliet was telling the truth.

"Holy fuck..." I say.

"I told you so." Juliet says. We're all quiet for a while.

"When will you be able to tell the gender?" Bella broke the silence.

"Well, judging by the baby's size, Juliet is about 2 months along. In about a month the baby's gender will be visible." She nurse says. She took a few pictures of the baby. While we waited for them to be printed Juliet piped up.

"So, you two are... a couple?" She seemed scared to ask.

"We are. But that changes nothing with this baby." I say. But then I think. "Is this even my baby?"

"What?! Of course it's yours. I.. I didn't do anything with anyone during the last few months with you. If I'm 8 weeks along, than I'm 95% sure this is your baby." Juliet says, looking at me.

"Ok. I believe you." The nurse came back with copies of the pictures. I got one set and Juliet got the other.

"Your next appointment is on the 22nd of August." We left after that. Tour would be over by then.

I was quiet as we drove back. When we made it to the bus, I didn't get out right away.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked me.

"I'm... i.. I'm a father..." it hits me like a ton of bricks. I am a father...

My Prince, Andy Biersack Where stories live. Discover now