I sit there and wait for my friends to come. They are my best friends since I was 5 oh also I'm y/n l/n! My friends are Grayson Jackson 16 and Lucy Millers 15. We are the best of friends and today we are seeing our favorite band Calpurnia! I turn on stranger things and watch Finn Wolfhard. I love him ughhh!
Soon Grayson pulls up with Lucy and texts me:
Gray 😌:
Get your ass out here!I get up and laugh. I grab my purse and walk out the door. I get in the back seat. "Ready to see Wolfhard!" Lucy yells. I laugh at her. I'm pretty sure gray and Lucy are gonna date or they are sleeping together. I smile at them his hand is on her thigh. I used to like him but then I saw It 2017 for the first time and fell for Finn Wolfhard!
I know that me and Finn will never be together and I'll meet a boy one day and marry him I guess. I sigh as we drive to the concert. I really don't understand how Ash my sister, Lucy my bff for life, and Grayson my bestie are so hot. I met Grayson when I was 3 and he was 4. That's when I fell for him. I'll never have Grayson I know that now. He's a football player but a goof ball. And Lucy is a actor in the plays at school and is a cheerleader but she hates it. But my sister is 18 and does everything with me. She's beautiful and funny. She has a boyfriend named..I forgot his name...um..umm..um LANDON! That's it Landon Brookes!
We finally get there and we wait in line to get in. I see a poster of Finn and his band I freak out and start jumping and Grayson laughs and I blush. He raps his arm around my shoulder. He treats me like his little sister. I sigh and grab his hand and we walk inside.
We some how got to the front near the stage. Then he walks out. His smile makes me melt. He says "Hey what's up everybody? Ready to start!" Everyone screams some form of yes. He giggles then it starts! I dance to the music but turn around and see that Grayson and Lucy are dance close on each other. I sadly smile and go back to watching Finn.
He's dancing then he takes his shirt off and sings more. I blush at him he's gorgeous. His curly hair and his freckles. I smile at him then he sees me in the the pool of thousands of people. He smiles at me and winks. I go tomato red and keep dancing. I turn around to see Grayson making out with Lucy. Of course the football player and the cheerleader! I look back at Finn not smiling. He looks at me kinda confused and then goes back to looking at the others.
•A/n you guys are gonna stay at a hotel because after the concert it will be to late to drive back•
• Time skip to the hotel •
When we get to the hotel I walk to our room but I let Grayson and Lucy go in I know what they are gonna do Lucy asks while gray walks in "Can you sit out here for a sec y/n/n?" I say "sure but I won't for long!" She giggles and walks in. I sigh and look on my phone at photos I took. Then I hear someone waking down the hall way and they kinda sound drunk.
I look up to see a drunk Finn. He looks at me and smiles. "It's the cutie form my concert *hick*" he says. I blush and look at him. He sits by me and smiles. Did the FINN WOLFHARD call me cute??!? He puts his head on my shoulder. "Do you wanna *hick* go to m-*hick* my room?" He says. I blush and say "Sure Finn I would love to!" He smiles and pulls me up and kisses me! Then he pulls me to his room. This is not what I thought he meant! He pulls me into his room and closed the door. He jumps onto the bed. He winks at me like he did earlier. I blush and I walk over to him. He kisses me and I kiss him back. He takes his shirt off. I stand in front of him and he kisses my neck. I blush at Finn kissing me. Then he pulls me into the bed..
• A/N•
How is this chapter?!?
I know it got kinda weird!
But the whole story won't be like this
It just has to start like this to start the story!
Okay vote and comment I love you guys ❤️

The mistake ☠︎︎ ✔︎
أدب الهواةWork in progress Y/n goes to a concert of Calpurnia and her and Finn might get a surprise they never expected.. But Finn isn't y'all he says he is...his lies start to get the best of you. And you find out the the truth of Finn Wolfhard. Finn Wolfha...