Untitled Story Part

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Your name is Tyler.  You recently constructed an object thay can shrink people to the size of 1 inch.  You go to the phone and call over a group of your firends.

         "Guys get over here. Its the dsy of testing!"

          You hang up the phone and your eye is caught by your 4 year old brother, standing there barefoot and just starting,  and your 8 year old brother also barefoot but doing something else. 

         "Im going to my lab with some friends," you say "dont come in for about 20 minutes or so"

           Your baby brother just waddles off. While your other brother sits playing video games.  You hear a knock on the door. You walk over to open it. It's your friends Kayden, Alex, Jack, and Dan. 

          "Hey. Let's go. I cant wait." You say as you walk to the lab.

           You round a corner and enter the dorway to the lab. There Is no door because you didn't see the nees for one. You and your friends walk to your desk. You pick up a small orb. You motion your firends over. They walk over and you squeeze the orb. A sudden green light overtakes you and the room begins to spin. After a minute or so, you and your firends are a little less than an inch tall.

           "This is amazing" Kayden says.

           "Wow" says jack.

           "You have no clue how awesome this is." Alex says.

     "G-guys who is that in the doorway? " Dan asks.

       You look to the doorway and see your four year old brother looking down ar your group. 

        "Bugs to crush and eat!" He yells as he walks over.

         He reaches your group in 2 steps, and looks down at your group.  He reaches down and grabs Dan.  Unaware of Dan's screams and begging for his life, your brother shoves Dan into his mouth. He doesn't take the time to chew, he just swallows. He looks down at Kayden, and lifts his bare foot. He begins to lower it towards Kayden. 

             "NOOO PLEASE DON'T DO TH--" your brother's foot settles over Kayden. He increases pressure until you hear a pop which you assume is Kayden dying.  Your brother then picks up Alex and Jack,  and shoves them in his mouth and proceeds to chew. He then looks at you. And raises his foot. He begins to Lower it, but stops. He then bends down and picks you up. He walks out of your lab, and over into your other brothers room. He opens his closest' and drops you into one of his shoes, and leaves.  About an hour later you hear your brother say he is going out.  You hear the slap of skin on the floor as he enters his room. You feel the shoe you are in lift into the air. You look out the top and see his face looking in.  A second Later,  his face is replaced with the sole of his bare foot. You are petrified with fear and unable to move. As the toes of his foot come closer.  His toes finally collide with you, pushing you down to your back. The pressure on your body increases, and the toes drag you until you get released under the front ball of his foot. He simply stands up and...... pop. Your final visions on earth are your brother's foot dragging you around a shoe, and then crushing you. 

         "I wonder where tyler and his friends went" your brother says to himself. 


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