Edward Elric x Reader- Blind Date

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This is my first Edward Elric oneshot so I hope it's good, anyways enjoy it my dude

"Look Al, all I'm saying is that if I were to turn the air solid what's the point? It would probably shatter like glass or-" Ed stopped talking, something or more like someone catching his eye. It was a girl his age, she was sitting on the steps of the Easten Headquarters, writing in a book and she was definitely someone he had never seen before. A pink tint went to his cheeks, she looked so cutely concentrated on her task that it was something he could admire for hours and she would never know-


"Ow! Who put this column here?!" Ed shouted, rubbing his face from the impact of directly slamming into a stone column.

"No one did Brother, you walked into it."
"Dammit...now my face hurts..." Ed muttered, continuing to rub his face to try to dull the pain.

"Well why did you walk into the column? Were you distracted by something?" Al asked, making Ed freeze and glance at you for a split second.
"No! Of course not! Why would anything in this dump distract-!"
"Is it that girl over there Brother?" Al asked, picking up on Ed glancing in the girl's direction, Ed became quiet as his face slowly became increasingly red.

"You should go talk to her!"
"No way, she's busy, can't you see?"
"Yeah, but what if you could help her with her problem? Not only would it help save time but it'll also help with you getting to know each other." Al reasoned, Ed crossed his arms and pouted.

"Brother stop being difficult, if you like her you should go talk to her."
"I already told you no."

"Well too late!" Al pushed him onto the stairs, Ed glared at him but Al just hid behind a column and did a 'go, go' motion with his hands. Ed's glare harshened but he turned around and sat on the same step the girl was sitting on, but he was as far away as one could get from her.

"Get closer!" Al whisper-shouted, Ed just waved his hand before leaning back and starting to whistle, slowly moving over until he was right next to the girl.
"So uh...beautiful weather we're having today-"
"Gah!" The girl jumped, head snapping in Ed's direction.
"Where did you come from?!"

"I uh...well you looked lonely so I thought I would sit with you, sorry for scaring you though, I didn't mean to," Ed answered awkwardly.

"O...oh, ok, I don't mind. I was just really focused on my work y'know? Kinda zoned out of everything else."
"So uh...my name is Edward Elric, what's yours?"
"Oh, me? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You nervously smiled, not used to talking to new people.

"So uh (Y/N)-"
"Dearest (Y/N)! It has been so long since I saw you! You look as radiant as ever!" Armstrong barged in, picking you up and spinning you around.

Oh god...how does she know him? Are they related?....or are they dating? He did call her Dearest after all...I'm gonna die... Ed thought, not wanting to die today.

"It's nice to see you too...Alex...but...I can't breathe..." you managed out.
"Apologies, but it has been so long, you're looking quite well!"
"You too." Armstrong caught Ed from the corner of his eye.

"Edward Elric, I want you to meet my dear friend (Y/N) (L/N), her mother and father did quite a few business trips back in the day and when she was with my family I would babysit her. She's like a second little sister to me! And (Y/N), Edward is a State Alchemist like me, we have fought side by side before on quite a few occasions." Armstrong introduced you.
"You're a State Alchemist?" You tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"Yeah, why?" Ed asked, he couldn't help the attitude, he could already hear the short insults coming.
"You're so young like me, it's kinda surprising someone my age could or would join the military," you answered.

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