The Wings(SS)

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Long ago there was a split in Thomas's mind. This split was created by the appearance of Morality. Ever since the split, each new creation is assigned a side, dark, or light. The sides are assigned by Morality, who tended to be strict. The Light Sides became this regal, important part of Thomas, while the Darks became the failures, the ones who were evil or bad.

Because of their exile, the Dark Sides became a family. At first it was three, Immigration, Deceit and Gluttony.(A\N based off the Seven Deadly Sides theory.) But, then the last side appeared. Anxiety. Anxiety caused great disrupt in the Mindscape. Morality thought he belonged with the dark sides, but Logic said otherwise. The fight went on for days, until Morality won. This fight triggered the first change. The sides were given names, and the Dark Sides slipped away into the shadows.

Then, the second change happened. Thomas began to question who he was as he grew, and this triggered fights among both sides. Morality had softened up since the days when the split happened, but was still very hard on his beliefs of right and wrong. So when Creativity declared that Thomas was different, Morality lashed out. The fighting was constant, and after what felt like weeks, it was resolved. But this fighting caused another change.

The sides personalities shifted, and each were given an ability based on this shift. They matched up to that sides role well. But what the Light Sides didn't know, was that the Dark Sides gained a shared ability. A day after the fighting was fixed, each Dark sprouted wings. The color of the wing depended on the side, Deceit had yellow, Imagination had green, Gluttony had orange, and Anxiety had gray. The four learned to use these wings, and slowly became masters on the sky.

But, not all stories end happily. The Dark Sides began to fight, and it got worse and worse. Their plan to invade the Light Sides and show Morality that they weren't all evil seemed to be failing. Anxiety was the first one in, which shifted a lot of the blame towards him. After weeks of being blamed and constant bickering, Anxiety snapped. He left the Dark Sides, and moved in with the Lights. It took some time, but slowly he was accepted as a Light Side. But Anxiety swore he would never use his wings again, not after what had happened.

~Present Time~

Virgil huffed in annoyance. His wings felt cramped, he rarely spread them out to stretch, and kept them hidden basically all day, sometimes into the night. And he had been true to his promise to never use them, he hadn't flown since he left the Dark Sides. His hoodie sat on the bed next to him, his shirt having cuts that his wings fit through. It was dark in the Mindscape, after all it was late at night. All the other Light Sides were asleep. Surely it was safe to just stretch?

Slowly Virgil spread his wings. Out of the Dark Sides, his wings were the smallest. They were just as long as his arms, not including his hands. In the beginning they had been gray, but as he grew closer and closer to the Light Sides, they had shifted to purple. At the moment only the tips were gray. With a sigh he sat down, curling his wings around his shoulder.

The truth was, Virgil missed flying. For someone so nervous, he loved heights. The feeling of being up high always made him feel much more confident. So to have the ability to go as high as he wanted, but never being able to use it, felt wrong. Virgil stared at the ground, slowly letting his wings unfold off his shoulders. "Maybe just once." He mumbled t himself, standing.

Carefully Virgil opened his window and perched on the ledge. The Mindscape was odd, it was like a giant globe with two islands floating in it. There was a small bridge connection these islands, but it was broken and out of shape. Taking a deep breath Virgil pushed off the ledge, spreading his wings as he did.

Immediately all of Virgil's fears vanished. Flying had become an instinct to him, it was like breathing. A grin spread across his face, and he slowly picked up speed. Why had he ever given this up? Who cared if it was connected to the Dark Sides? Virgil wasn't one of them.

At that thought Vigil skid to a stop midair, keeping himself carefully a float. He wasn't one of them. He hadn't ever really fully processed that. He'd been so caught up in the past he was forgetting to look around him, everything he had been doing since the moment he left, was trying to prove he was good, that he wasn't like them. Virgil looked around him, he was floating above the bridge connecting the Light Sides and the Dark sides, but he was closer to the Lights. He didn't have to prove anything. It was about time his friends learned about his secret.

Virgil took his time flying back to his room. The first rays on sun were slicing through the darkness. Carefully he landed on his window ledge, taking one last look around before slipping in his room and closing the window. He folded his wings back and put his hoodie on, hiding them mostly from view. Taking a deep breath Virgil left his room, trying to calm himself down.

Logan was in the kitchen, the logical side was always the first one down. He nodded a silent greeting at Virgil as he took a sip out of his mug. In his lap was a book, a pretty damn thick book at that. Virgil poured himself a mug of coffee and sat on the counter, crossing his legs. Now it was the waiting game.

Patton skipped down, grinning. Somehow the moral side was both a morning person, and a night person. It was really difficult to believe this was the same side that split the sides up. "Morning kiddos!" Patton said as he sat next to Logan.

The three talked, until Roman came. The creative side was far from a morning person, unless something Disney was involved. It was impossible to grumpy when Disney was involved. Roman grunted in response to Patton's greeting.

The kitchen became calmly silent, the only sound was the sizing of the bacon that Patton was making. Roman leaned against the counter a bit away from Virgil, chugging down a mug  of coffee. Virgil swallowed nervously, taking a deep breath. Now or never.

"Hey guys?" Virgil said, his nervousness projecting clearly on to his voice. The other three looked at him. "I er, have something to tell you..." He slid off the counter.

"What's up kiddo?" Patton asked, putting the plate of bacon on the table. Logan closed his book, keeping a finger in. Roman looked over from where he was getting another cup of coffee.

"I, uh, kinda have been hiding something..." Virgil continued, shifting nervously. In one quick, shaky moment Virgil took off his hoodie and unfolded his wings. The room went dead silent, everyone just stared, out of habit Virgil shrank back, wings refolding.

"You have WINGS?!" Patton asked excitingly, grinning. Virgil looked at him and half nodded, shifting from foot to foot. Patton hugged him tightly. "That's so cool kiddo!"

Logan adjusted his glasses. "That is indeed interesting. I do have a few questions though. For example, how d-"

Logan was cut off by Roman declaring loudly, "Oh come on Adobe Clash, analyzing can wait."

Virgil smiled a bit, tying his hoodie around his waist. He allowed his wings to relax. Patton released his son from his death grasps, examining the wings.

Logan stood and walked over, "Mind if I?" He asked, making a gesture towards the wing. Virgil shrugged in response, lifting it. Logan carefully touched it, eyes shinning with interest.

Roman chugged down yet another cup of coffee. "I must say, out of all the things you could've said, this is one of the best."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "I'm gonna take that as a compliment." He said, smirking.

Roman laughed. "Please do My Chemically Imbalanced Romance." He responded cheerfully, putting his mug in the sink.

Virgil felt himself grin, feeling weirdly calm. This was where he was meant to be. Not with the Dark Sides, here. Because yes, his past was there, but he wasn't who he had been. He returned to his spot on the counter, letting his wings spread a bit. This was Virgil's place.

Anxiety has found his place.

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