No good solutions

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I got home with a smile on my face. My heart felt light and I could feel butterflies still fluttering around in my stomach. My cheeks were flushed and I felt like I could just fly.

"You look happy." Daniella smiles at me as she digs through her backpack. "Yeah. Reen just dropped me off." I told her as I sat beside her on the couch. I leaned back on the cushion behind me and sighed.

"I have your stuff packed in a bag." Daniella said as she pulled out a binder filled with papers and sat it on the coffee table. I sat up and looked at her, leaning forward. "What do you mean? Where am I going?" I stared out of the window, at a bird flying into a nest in the tree.

"Well Eli is taking you somewhere. He said it was a twincation." She rolled her eyes at she repeated Eli's word. "To where?" I asked her. She shrugged as she flipped open her binder, "He didn't tell me."

"Rayne!" I heard a voice yell for me from the kitchen. I turned around and made my way to the kitchen where the guys were. They all looked at me as I stepped in. Even Ryan was in here.

"Uh hi?" I asked suspiciously. "Do you have something you need to tell us?" Asher crosses his arms as he leans on the countertop behind him. As soon as he said that I tense up and feel like heart beginning to race. It's pounding against my chest and into my ears. I wonder if they can hear it too?

Did they find out about the kidnappers? I didn't know what it was. But I knew it wasn't good. I stayed silent as Daniella walked in and sat on the island counter in the middle of the room. I have a feeling she knows what's happening but she's just not saying anything to me. "Mmmm no. I don't think so." I lie as I clear my throat.

Jace shakes his head and pulls a note out from his pocket. "This was found last night. At our doorstep." He unfolded the note and I felt my hands start to tremble. I put my hands behind my back and wiped the newly found sweat off of them onto my clothes.

Jace glanced at me before looking back at the note he had in his hand. "You might think you are all safe but you are not. We are coming after Rayne and you can't stop us. If you call the police I will slit your moms throat. Prepare to say goodbye to your sister. Because she will be gone soon. And she knows all of this and has been lying to you all for quite a long time now." He read off of the note.

I thought they were gonna keep a fucking secret. The kidnappers didn't want my siblings to know. The fuck is happening. Then I realized I'm probably going to be in a lot of trouble.

I looked at my youngest sibling and he was looking at his feet. He was probably scared. "It'll be fine. We know how to shoot. Remember?" I brought up a random topic hoping it would calm everyone down.

"You and I are going somewhere so they can't get to you." Eli told me. I shook my head no. I couldn't let them do that. Do they not realize that they would die if I did that?!

"Do you not care about Ryan?! Or about each other?! You will all die if I leave!" I slightly raised my voice at them as I felt a lump in my throat get bigger. I can't let them die. Not my family. Not for something stupid. This isn't their fault. Why do they have to deal with this? Why do they have to deal with my problems?

"We are all leaving too." Asher tells me. "Where? Because they will fucking find you. You guys don't know these people. You guys have no idea what they can do! They will find you and kill you!" My eyebrows furrowed as I grew angrier. "Well these are the chances we have to take because you decided to not tell us!" Jace yelled at me, making me flinch. He is right... this is all of my fault. I looked down at my feet as they all talked among each other trying to figure out where everyone is going to go.

"We are splitting up...?" Daniella asked worriedly. "We have to." Asher told her. "There is too many of us to hunt down at once." He added. He was right. "There are two of them. There are two that hunt. The actual kidnapper doesn't hunt so he doesn't get caught. Marcus hunts and if needed then Dillon hunts too. There's only two that could come after you. Marcus is stupid but he is strong. And Dillon is very smart and knows how to lie and manipulate." I told them as I stared blankly at the floor.

"How do you know they hunt?" Asher asked. "They both have found me. But couldn't take me in that moment." I replied. I heard Jace huff. "Let's talk about splitting up." Asher looked at all of us.

"We will all have guns with us. I'm going by myself to a hotel a few hours away. Jace and his friend are going to his friends aunts house on the outskirts of Florida. Daniella and Ryan, you two are staying together. You guys are going to that aunts house." Asher was reading off of a list.

"What?! THAT AUNT?!" Daniella was referring to the one that had to live with us. "Yes. Don't complain. At least you will be safe. She's far away from here." Asher told her. Then he started again.

"Rayne you will be going with Eli somewhere. I don't know where yet. Eli is in charge of that. You will also have extra protection. Do you have anyone in mind?"

I thought about it for a minute then I had my answer. "Reen, Gabe, and Carmen." Carmen might not be much help but she is my best friend and I don't want to do this without her.

"You better tell them. And see if it's ok with them." Asher told me.

I nodded. I'm splitting up with my siblings. The ones that mean the world to me. Itll just be Eli and I and some friends. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be stressed. But.. this wasn't normal. This was dangerous. They could get hurt or worse. I'll be splitting up with them. And the whole reason we are all splitting up is because I let this get out of hand.

I guess I can't go back now.

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