Chapter 1

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The girl snuck down the corridor on the balls of her feet, just as she had been taught. A lot of her lessons had bored her, but when Seth offered to teach her about being stealthy, she had paid close attention and soaked up as much information as she could. That had sparked her inner ninja, as Seth called it. Which is why she was creeping into the room at the end of the hall. The door had been cracked wide enough for her to slip inside.

The man sitting at the large desk seemed oblivious, making her grin. Just a few more steps and--

"What are you doing, Finley?" Ray asked. He hadn't even looked up from the paperwork.

She faltered in her steps, teetering on one leg. "Not fair. I was being sneaky," Finley whined, a pout on her lips. She was sure that she had mastered the lessons. Glancing back toward the door, she tried to riddle out her mistake, but nothing came to mind.

"You've got a long way to go before you can sneak up on me, kid," Ray said with a laugh. His green eyes were alighted with amusement. Finley was his best buddy's four-year-old child, and since her first breaths, Ray had loved her. The older she got, the more of her father he saw in her.

She hopped onto the other leg, swaying until she caught her balance. "I tried to sneak up on Belle, too. She ran away." Finley loved his cat, always picking her up and carrying her around.

"Cats have a sixth sense," Ray answered. He should chastise her for tormenting his cat, but he let it slide this time. Belle had taking a liking to Finley, despite her sometimes-rough treatment. He and Fenrir both had spent a long-time telling Finley to be gentle with Belle.

"Does that make you a cat, too?" She asked.

Ray snorted, having to set down the papers he had been trying to read. "How did you reach that conclusion?"

The girl shrugged and spun around in a circle. "I couldn't sneak up on you either." Finley rounded the desk and came up to him, standing on her tiptoes to get a view of the papers. "What are you doing?" she asked. Her other ventures around the headquarters had led her here. Luka and Sirius were out on the training grounds with some soldiers, Seth had gone into town, and her dad was out on patrol. Out of boredom, she had come to see him.

Ray ruffled her hair, and replied, "Applications to join the army. Do you want to help me look them over?" He knew all too well that busy days got her down, since she had no one to torment.

"Can I use the stamp?" Finley asked, eyes wide with excitement.

"If you use it the right way this time," Ray said. The last time he let her do it, she had made marks all over the page and barely anything was legible. The time before that, she had used the stamp all over herself when he hadn't been looking. It took hours to scrub all the ink off her skin.

Finley bobbed her head, already trying to climb up onto his chair. "Daddy told me that it makes your work harder, so I won't mess it up this time."

Ray lifted her up to sit on his lap. He couldn't help but laugh at the way she'd worded it, like there was a possibility she would do it in the future. "Well, thanks for your concern, Fin." He opened the drawer to retrieve the accepted and denied stamp along with the ink pads.

"What does it say?" She asked, picking up the accepted stamp.

"Here," Ray started, guiding her hand to the green ink pad. Pressing it down into it and then letting her stamp the page in the designated spot. "You tell me."

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