Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

The fire that burned throughout the night sky was as bright as an afternoon sunlight.

I stood in front of the house, my wet hair curling in the wind and my arm stinging at my side with blood streaming down from the cut on the inside of my elbow. The dress covering my body was torn and ripped and, basically, I was a mess.

But it didn't matter. I had done it.

I did what I came here to do and the satisfaction I felt was the only thing that mattered. That, and the heavy black briefcase that I was holding.

The briefcase in my hand held the key to my survival in this business. Get the money and you won't die. I never had to worry, though. I always accomplished what I had to do and, if I didn't, I would die trying.

A smile forced its way on my face. A smile of pure joy. A smile filled with life. A smile that always found its way on my face when I finished these jobs.

This was the reason why I did what I did; I got to feel alive again. And how I missed feeling alive.

Hearing the fire department was a wake up call for me. The loud sirens reminded me that staying would be bad. Very bad.

Ignoring the pain in my arm, I moved the briefcase around to make sure there really was something in it. In the heat of the moment I didn't have time to check. I barely had time now.

The clanking of the money was all I needed to hear and then I was off.

Sprinting straight down the road, I felt my leg muscles screaming. My hair blew back in the wind and my dress ripped more with the sudden movement. My arm began throbbing along with my head. I had to remind Alex to take me to the infirmary.

The black car at the end of the road gave me a boost of energy. I took a deep breath and the car began moving towards me.

Waving a hand out, the car pulled to the side. One of my teammates was in the driver seat, giving me a disgusted look.

"You are the worst." Briggs said.

"Thanks. Now drive." I said, flatly. "Where's Alex?"

"On a mission." I could kill him. And I literally could.

"Why the hell is he on a mission?" My voice grew dangerous. Briggs sped down the road. "He has a broken arm and a concussion! Not to mention, he's sick!"

"He was sent out. What can I tell you?"

I huffed out air while crossing my arms over my chest as we lapsed into silence. Briggs was the voice of wisdom out of all of us. Being 24, he was the oldest and the most powerful. He was pretty much our group leader but I hated listening to him. His calm exterior made me want to throttle him.

That is, when he isn't acting like an ass.

"We're almost there. Get the briefcase ready."

"Do we really have to do this now? My dress is this close to falling off." I held up two dirt covered fingers to show him how close my dress was to falling off. And my fingers were pretty close together.

Briggs let out a sigh and pulled to a sudden stop. "Get out. I'll be down the road." I nodded, opening the door. "Oh, and Jez?" I turned back towards him. "Don't you dare do that again. You almost Edie gave a heart attack. "

"Gotcha." I slammed the door shut, thinking about the note I had left this morning.

We all had been working on this mission for four months and I wanted to end it. Mr. Higgins was a trained CIA operative that was undercover at the moment. He had some dirt on Boss and, plus, who doesn't love at least two million dollars? So, I decided to get it over with tonight. I was lucky that I finished it, or I'd be killed, literally, for trying to do a four person mission on my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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