Enough of this S*it

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People get made fun and bullied every day. Quite frankly I have, and still am a victim of both. I have been made fun of by my family for being myself. I have been bullied by the kids in school because of my height (I’m 5’2) also of my weight and my personality. It’s okay to be yourself regardless of what others say. I don’t have the highest or lowest self-esteem. There are people that also have high and low self-esteem. It’s not your fault. It’s okay to be yourself. Everyone that thinks you’re weird, crazy, or whatever non-sense they say can go get lost. Those who are being bullied-bullies stomp on you to make themselves feel better and they can’t stand to look and smile at themselves. If it wasn’t about my personality, or my weight it’s about the clothes I wear. I been bullied since I was 5 yeas old. Enough of this s*it!! Bullying should not  be happening. Fighting is only the last choice to go with, but I choose not to. I show tolerance. Patience. Respect. And by not saying anything it shows that person (or people) that it will not be tolerated and just to for you to shut your mouth, because no reaction is better than pushing buttons to get a reaction. I was bullied by my dad. He called me dingle berry. Shit bird. Ungrateful little shit. And shit head. I stopped talking to him. Separated myself from him. Even though he still emails me, I do not respond. And that makes him mad. Everywhere you go they’re assholes. If you don’t let them get to you and show little to no reaction, it will piss them off for them to know that you don’t care what others think. Bullies aren’t worth for shit, so why care about what their opinion is? If words don’t help you and it’s only to hurt you then just push it away. You don’t need that person to tell you anything negative. If that person is only to tell you who and what you are, then fuck it!!. Who cares what anyone else says. People made fun of me because I’m apparently fat. But I’m not fat. I’m just big. And I’m short. But my girl-friend tells me that I’m not short, I’m fun sized!. We are all different shapes and sizes. Different personalities’, as well as differences to what makes us unique in our own way. And there is nothing wrong with self-positivity. Telling yourself that you are unique. You are great. You are beautiful. Handsome. Whatever thing you like about yourself. Smile at yourself. Smile in the mirror. We all are perfect are not perfect. But in god’s eyes we are perfect. The things that people say about us, are not true. They can say what they want-but they don’t fully know you enough to have two pennies to judge, just like my family does not fully know me. If you’re smart. Talented. You know who are you. And you love yourself, people are jealous because of how you see yourself In your own eyes, even if you are insecure it’s okay to be that way. Let those bullies be jealous. It makes out for you to be a success. My family didn’t give me much acceptance when I won a poetry contest. Or a lot of my writing accomplishments. Neither did my dad, but my close friends and my girl-friend were there. And god. That’s all I needed. When I was bullied in school, I kept distant. And did my own thing. When my family bullies me, I can’t help but react, but at  the same thing I’m standing up for myself. They laugh at me. But now I just keep no contact with them. I keep distant. And I just do my own thing. It’s better that way sometimes. I didn’t want to come to that but it had to. They’re bullies. They can say what they want about me. Karma will do a boomerang and come back to them when least expected. Friends, family, and other peers will be bullies. I say f*ck bullying. Bullying sucks d*ck. If they don’t like you for you. If they don’t accept you and respect you then they do not deserve what you have to offer. They do not deserve your love. For those who are bullied you are who you are and that should be good enough for you. You are all unique. Talented. Smart. Believe someone out there will let you know you are important. They care about you. And love you. Someday you will find that friend(s), boy-friend, or girl-friend. And that person will respect you and love you for who you are. Don’t let those ass wipe bullies get to you. Keep strong. And those bullies who you to make fun of me, ended up liking my writing and becoming my fans. Tolerance and patience is a funny thing right? And besides no one should be bullied and picked on. Nobody. Bullying did hurt my self-esteem and it did hurt me as a person. I don’t talk much. People told me what I say is crap, but what they talk is crap, so it’s even. But I don’t talk crap. I just say it politely. Bullying did hurt my personality. Words hurt. Words DO hurt. Don’t let words ruin who you are. Stand up for yourself. Disconnect those people who make you feel like you are nothing. Like you a piece of garbage. You don’t need that. Screw the negativity and the negative air that person or group of people seem to bring. Again….Don’t let it get to you. Those same people who are my fans, are making me money by downloading my writing. So I win there! Bullying should not to be tolerated. Enough of this S*it!!. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2012 ⏰

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