~Chapter 5~ *part 2*

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I sat there numb, as a crowd of onlookers, medical attention, and law enforcement surrounded me. I still held my mothers lifeless body in my arms, not quite ready to let go no matter how much they tried to pry her off of me.

"Hey man, I'm so very sorry, but you're going to have to let her go. Now, I'm not rushing you or nothing, but it's best we get your mother's body out of this alley with all these nosy eyes." A guy who looked to be 2-3 years older than me said. He didn't get annoyed with me like the last person. Instead, he nealed down next to me and spoke to me calmly, slowly but surely lifting me out of that numb stage.

"What am I going to do without her?" I looked up at him, letting tears flow freely from my eyes. Just then I heard commotion coming from the crowd.

"Yo let me threw man.. that's my boy over there. Ay yo C!" It was Khari. I motioned for them to let him through, him being the only familiar face around, I needed him.

By the time Khari came over, I was now standing up watching as they placed my mothers body in a body bag. Khari placed his hand over his mouth in shock.

"Yo C... I'm so sorry man. I..I'm so sorry C." He pulled me in to a strong embrace. One I never thought I needed at the moment. I thought back to our petty argument earlier. Me and Khari been through too much shit together and the last thing I wanted was for us to be feuding. But at a time like this, I knew I was going to need my bestfriend.

"Excuse me, Chace? I'm officer Smith. I understand you're the son of the victim." An officer came over to ask.

"Man gone head. My boy just lost his mom. Save all that questioning shit for another time."Khari waved the officer off, but I decided to speak for myself.

"Yes, I'm her son. I don't have the answers for none of this. Yes, my mother was known for have being a drug user but was clean for quite some time now. I made sure of that. But this here ain't have shit to do with the drugs. Someone murdered her."

"Well, I hate to break it to you son but, your mom wasn't keeping so clean. A couple of my men have been spotting her around these parts lately in unsober conditions."

I could see Khari from the corner of my eye and already knew he was about to go off. Khari was a hot head and would lash out at anything disrespectful. Trust me, I wanted to go off on the pig too, but I wasn't about to lose my cool.

"Look, just tell me what my next step is. Then maybe y'all can find out who killed my mother." The officer huffed, releasing his stern look on Khari. He then proceeded on explaining my next steps.

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