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I sighed in content, breathing in the amazing smell of fresh cut grass. For some reason earth was the only place she had seen that had grass that smelt so good. 

I ran my toes through the silky blades, giggling as it tickled my feet. 

"Its been a while." I mumbled to myself, taking in the sun happily. 

Its been 50 years since I've been here. 

I've been exploring the universe with my parents, meeting people and learning my new powers, lets just say I'm not the same person who left here. 

I sighed in content before stretching out my limbs, I dropped onto all fours and quickly shifted into my form. 

I looked down to see my gigantic pitch black paws squashing the grass underneath them. I smiled as the wildlife flourished around me. 

I took off running, loving the familiar feeling of the wind flowing through my fur. This planet is way too small for my real speeds but I enjoy it nonetheless. 

Another handy dandy skill I've learnt is teleporting, it was pretty necessary when it came to zipping around the universe and makes bringing people with me much easier. 

I came down to earth because I heard Jen's prayers. Her and Brian are in their seventies now and happy grandparents, however there is supposedly a problem only I can solve so I'm going to see what that's all about. 

I trotted onto their land, completely invisible, just checking everything out before I make myself known. 

I have learnt my lesson, my trust does not come easily, even those you love can stab you in the back. 

Once I determined there was no threat I shifted back into myself, summoning some clothes to my body before walking to the front door to their pack house. 

Immediately all the guards ran at me, threatening me, calling me rogue. 

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. 

I have had a lot of training and have become an unbeatable fighter, only the strongest of gods even have a chance of beating me and even then, I'm known to be the best in the universe currently.

I walked through as the little humans pointed their guns at me. I flicked my hand and they were all turned an pointed at their owners as I continued towards the door. 

The warrior's eyes widened in shock and they backed off immediately. 

I could hear them sending warning messages to everyone telling them there's some crazy rogue they can't contain. 

I sighed turning to face them. I dropped the guns but made sure they couldn't move their feet from where they were. 

I crossed my arms, "I'm not some crazy rogue, so rude. You werewolves just have no respect anymore!" I said exasperated. 

I should talk to my mother about this. 

"You should be more polite, I mean, just because I walk onto your territory doesn't mean I'm trying to kill people! Please, you all need to relax. I'm looking for Jen." 

Confusion clouded all of their faces, slightly taking over their fear. 

"Jennifer? Mated to Brian? Used to be gamma of this pack?" 

They all shook their heads, not knowing who I was talking about. 

"Seriously? None of you know who she is? How is that even possible?" 

One of the braver ones spoke up, shrugging his shoulders, "Its a big pack and most of us have only lived with our current high ranking wolves, sounds like she's before our time." 

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