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I got off Killian, shifting back into my human form and turning to the others with a sense of purpose.

"Jacob, where to now?"

His eyes widened when he realized I was talking to him and he had to answer smartly.

"We're uh, as close as I could get us. The man has a force field of sorts surrounding his territory so no one can teleport in or out. Even walking in is a process but the border should be a mile or so that way." He said point in the direction of the empty desert.

I nodded while the others pulled themselves together and became a little more concentrated and serious.

I mean this is really time sensitive. Fire's sister is just sitting on the elemental planet right now, being held captive by some unknown powerful God who has been threatening to torture her.

It's not exactly the best time to be joking around.

We're all immortal I think we can be serious for a few days or however long it takes until we rescue Fire's sister and free the planet so he can move off of Earth.

"Lead the way." I said with a small smile. He looked shocked for a second that I managed to smile at him, even though I'm generally a very smiley person. 

He quickly shook it off then nodded and headed on his way. 

I noticed Zeus, Fire, Donny and even Killian watching the exchange with scowls on their faces, ready to pounce on Jacob as soon as he fucks up. 

They're so overprotective I'm going to scream. 

Do they not realize that I can handle myself?! Geez! Its not like I'm the universe's best GOD FIGHTER or anything...


We all followed a nervous looking Jacob. I swear I saw him wipe his hands on his pants, most likely to wipe the sweat off. 

I almost laughed. 

I didn't even need to read his aura or mind to know he was being so obvious. 

I almost felt bad for the guy. 


As we were walking Zeus came up to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder with a large smile on his face like always. 

He always had such a positive energy I loved it. 

He really wasn't how Greek mythology or whatever greek movies I watched as a kid painted him. He wasn't some harsh ruler of the gods who was all strict and old with a white fluffy beard. 

He was just a goofy fight club owner who trained new kids to help them out in his free time. He was definitely intimidating and had the capability to be a leader but he definitely wasn't strict or in charge of me. 

He was pretty young looking too. All Gods just kept the body when it was in its absolute prime. Some were older some a little younger. Most around their twenties. The body transformed into when it looked its best when you died and then just stayed that way for the rest of eternity. 

It was pretty nice honestly. 

Mine looked like it was in its early twenties. Not exactly far off from when I died, although I can't help but wonder what I'd look like all old and shriveled up... 

I guess I'll never know. 

"Are you still okay? Do you want me to kick his ass?" Zeus mumbled to me and I couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"I'll do it." He continued, his eyes widening to show how serious he was. 

I giggled a little more before nodding. "Yes I'm sure." I replied, rolling my eyes a little. 

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