~Personality, Skills, Injuries and Powers~

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Pfffttt, creating your own characters well.. everything who does that? You can't decide your own because... because I said so

I wanted to make it more restrictive so it makes you think more when creating a backstory. Each has one negative trait and one positive trait.

Favourite Character - Personality

Firestar - Brave but too proud

Bramblestar - Smart but anxious

Jayfeather - Loyal but insecure

Dovewing - Ambitious but somewhat rude

Violetshine - Cunning but cold

Shadowsight - Kind but shy

Favorite Villain - Special Skills

Tigerstar (First Arc One) - Herb Knowledge

Brokenstar - Fighting

Scourge - Accuracy

Hawkfrost - Strength

Sol - Hunting

Mapleshade - Speed

Darktail - Stamina

Sleekwhisker - Agility

Favorite Series - Injury

Prophecies Begin - None

New Prophecy - Deaf

Power of Three - Missing Limb

Omen of the Stars -None

Dawn of the Clans - None

A Vision of Shadows - Blind

Broken Code - None

Least Favorite Series - Power

Prophecies Begin - Super Senses

New Prophecy - None

Power of Three - None

Omen of the Stars - Mind Reading

Dawn of the Clans - Foresight

A Vision of Shadows - None

Broken Code - Invincibility

Grayflower is a silver van patterned she-cat with aqua eyes. She is a queen of ShadowClan. She is loyal but insecure and is agile. She has no injury or power.

Fight me on my opinions-

Quarantine is killing me expect a new chapter really soon.

𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚌 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘Where stories live. Discover now