6 years and surprise missions

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Yuki p.o.v
Over the past 6 years we went on many different missions, each we had completed. On some we got hurt, on some we didn't even get a single piece of dirt on us. We gained scars, that looked really cool. I now have three deep scratches down my back. Daniel has the scar of a deep cut from his chest almost to his hip. Cool right?

Right now we are just chilling at the bar with Mira. During the last few years her little sister lisanna died. The whole guild was heartbroken and we all went to her funeral. Her and elfman, who has grown so much since the accident, go visit her grave every now and then.

"Hey mira. Can I have my usual please. "Of course. What about you Daniel" "I'll have mine too" "okay, give me a minute" our usual was just a strawberry cheesecake and a strawberry banana smoothie. "Here you are" Mira said as she put the cakes and smoothies in font of us. "Thanks Mira" we both said then started to enjoy our food. Erza even came to join us before leaving for her s-class mission.

We were almost done when master came to us and asked us to go to his office. We finished quickly and followed him to the office. When we got into his office he told us to sit. We started getting nervous and he knew. "No need to get nervous children. I have an important mission for you both."

In front of us there was a mission to help voltron defeat someone named lotor and one to help a princess of Britannia find the seven deadly sins. "You'll have to split up for this one. Yuki, you will help princess Elizabeth, and Daniel, I want you to help voltron. But don't freak them out please, I know you are a fan." Of course master, I'll be a good boy, or as good as I can be" he mumbled the last part. "When do we leave" I asked. "Today" master answered.

We left to go back to the dragon realm and pack some clothes. We told everyone we might be gone for a while and then we left. We told our exceeds, who are learning new magic, that we would call them if needed. We went back to the guild to get the rest of the information about our missions. Poor Daniel would have to go to school. I couldn't stop laughing. He has to go to school again. We already know everything there is to know but it's just funny. He'll die of boredom before he can really even start the mission.

We went to the train station and said goodbye to each other. "Don't forget Daniel if you get tired then use the magic turban. And don't eat everything the first few days of travel. You'll run out of food that way." Same to you sister. Goodbye" "bye" Then we summoned our wings and flew off to different directions.

Britannia was to the southeast of fiore. It would take a few days to get there using my top speed. When I get there I'll have to travel to get Elizabeth out of the castle without being noticed. I heard about the holy nights, I also know what happened ten years ago. I believe the sins are innocent. That it was a set up. But my mission is to find the sins,not clear their name.

~time skip~

I made it to Britannia last night. It's morning now, which means I'll have to put my plan into action soon. I'll teleport to her location and kidnap her then when we're in the clear I'll explain why I did it. It's a great/normal fairytail plan if you think about it.

I grabbed my cloak and put everything in my space pocket. I owed my magic to find her location in the castle. Took me a while though, it seams that she is in the dungeons. Why would the royal family be in the dungeons. I'll ask her later.

I teleported behind her and put a hand over her eyes and mouth, then quickly teleported into the forest.when our feet hit the ground I whispered in her ear
" don't scream, and don't run, I'm here To help you find the sins" I let go of her and put my hood down. "You can turn around ya know."

She turned towards me, "who are you? Why did you take me? And how did you know I was looking for the sins?" She questioned me. " At least you have your priorities straight. My name's Yuki Scarlet. I'm a fairytail mage who took the job that you sent out to help find the sins. And I kidnapped you so we could get the mission started." I said calmly. "Oh,thank you then." "Your welcome. Now princess, why were you in the dungeons?" "The holy nights locked the royal family in the dungeons because they are planning to take over Britannia." Figures. "I thought as much. We must act quickly then. Come, we should leave before they notice your missing."

I brought out my turban and we used it to get to a town that was at least a day away. We disgised ourselves as travelers and slept at an inn for the night. Before I went to slept I thought to myself: I wonder how Daniel and erza are doing.

~With daniel~

Great. Just great. I get to go to school. How wonderful. This will be boring. And to add to that, I have to have a magic seal on metro keep my powers hidden. Gramps gave me some sort of crystal for that though. It's easier to remove than a magic seal. The only side affect is that after I use my magic again I'll have to rest for a few days so my body can get used to that much magic again. I put it on my right arm, and covered both arms in bandages, it looked cool too.

Thankfully Gramps already got me into the Galaxy alliance flight academy, so that saves me the trouble. Apparently some of the Voltron force members work there. They supposedly have pledged their allegiance to sky martial Wade, he runs the academy. Of course they work on a way to defeat him and lotor in secret. If I can get their attention then it will be easier to defeat lotor, besides they're the ones who hired me in the first place, although they won't know my identity. They don't even now that the job is taken. Which means I'll have to explain who I am to them at some point in time.

Until then I keep my identity a secret although u will still use my real name. I now have black hair instead of a deep red, and my eyes are purple instead of brown. I start school in three days, until then I'm going to do as much research on this mission as possible, and also relax, this is also a form of vacation. Maybe I'll even get blaze, my exceed, to come and do some stuff with me. But for now, I'm going to sleep. I wonder how my sisters are doing on their own missions.

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