chapter 2

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Hey guys so here is the second chapter sorry if it sucks IM still a beginner

as I walked down the streets of konoha, I saw many children playing with their friends being happy and as expected I got a few glares and some stares of curiosity every now and then. Suddenly I come to a stop because I sense someone coming. And a puff of smoke appears before me.

When the smoke clears up a man with grey hair spiked to the side spears before me. "hello" I greet the strange creature who is now blocking my path. "Hello are you len?" I nods " the hokage has sent me to escort you to the academy." And he starts to walk towards the academy beckoning me to follow him.

When we arrive at the academy he leads me to a classroom. " okay here we are after class I'll come to pick you up and take you back to the hokage's office." And with that he leaves.

As I open the door to the the noise quickly fades away and as I walk in the room I see that every one is lines up I raise an eyebrow not that they can see. I am interrupted from my thoughts by some one speaking to me " huh?" I ask " I said you must be len  IM iruka, right now because a certain someone we are going over the transformation jutsu if you know it you can get in line." I nod and go to the back of the line and watch as everyone goes.

When every one has had they're turns I step up "okay just turn into whoever you want" and I decide to turn into iruka just like everyone else " good job len " I nods then we turn to the rest of the class" okay every body this is our new student" he then turns to me " len would you like to introduce yourself" I nod again ,today it seems as if IM doing a lot of that.

"hello my name is len it's nice to meet you all" "you may go sit where ever you'd like that's available.

I look around and find a spot next to a very hyper blond with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes , so I go and sit next to him "hi IM Naruto" "hello" I answer back ."why do you wear a cloak and a mask ?" "because I choose to" "why don't you take it off"

"Because I do not wish to" I snap "oh" he turns away looking kind of dejected and sad, and now I feel bad. " IM sorry Naruto I will take off the mask but you are the only one who will know what I look like and you can't tell anyone" he lightens up at that.I sigh taking off my mask the good still  shadowing over my face. He frowns " i still can't see your face" I sigh and lift my head at an angle to where no one but Naruto can see. When I do so his eyes widen and his face turns pink.

"wow your beautiful" he says" Frankly I don't know Weather I should take that as a compliment or looks at me confused " said thank you " then he makes a face as if realization just slapped him in the face " did I say that out loud? I nods lifting my head our eyes meet and it looks as if his eyes are about to bulge out his head "wow! That's so cool you have different colored eyes!!" I face palm at his stupidity and lack of memory , and now everyone is is watching us I slip back on my mask and pull down the hood to my cloak again, at this Naruto starts to pout and I turn back to the front ignoring the curious stares.

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