Chapter 10

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Melani’s P.O.V.

I stood against a tree, staring at the measly little camp that the boys and I were living in. Harry and I were sharing a tent (that had gotten us a lot of teasing, applause, and cheers from the boys) and the rest were all living in individual tents. Niall was nervously flickering between forms while tending the fire and the rest of the boys were out gathering firewood. I placed my cigarette between my lips and sighed. It was a nasty habit I had picked up from Elena while living in the mansion with all of them.

I took a long drag from the cigarette and blew out the smoke. A small fire flickered to life, thanks to Niall. He looked over at me with a proud smile on his face and I laughed, focusing on the slowly darkening sky, the stripes of pink that were tangled with blotches of purple and blue. A large set of hands snaked around my hips and pulled me backwards. Soft lips pressed against mine and I smiled.

“Mmm, hi there,” I mumbled and kissed him back. His tongue pushed against mine gently and I pulled away.

“Gross, get a tent,” Liam teased, dumping a large wood log on the ground- right on Niall’s foot. He squealed like a little girl and threw a small rock at Liam, who deflected it easily. Chuckling, Zayn dropped another piece of wood beside the fire and sat on a tree stump a few feet away.

“I wish I was human. I want to have a life with you,” Harry mumbled in my ear. My cheeks flushed and I looked away.

“Don’t say things like that, you’ll scare the poor girl off. Hey, remember that one time that we-” Louis began. Harry tried to hit him but Lou just dissipated and reappeared a few feet away, laughing.

“What’s he talking about?” I questioned. Harry turned an amazingly brilliant shade of red and kicked up little clouds of dust with his scuffed boots, shaking his head. “Come on, tell me!” I pleaded. Harry looked up.

“Okay, this one time, I was really blood-drunk and Louis wasn’t dead yet and… uh, something happened,” he mumbled. I gasped and looked over at Lou, whose ears were tinged pink.

“It’s nearly the full moon,” Liam said after a moment of awkward silence from his place beside Niall. I nodded and looked at Zayn.

“Any luck with Elena?” I asked. He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face.

“I went to her school today. She freaked out.. big mistake,” Zayn groaned. I sighed and crushed my cigarette under my shoe, then sat next to Liam. He wrapped a comforting arm around me and Harry sat across from us. He had loosened the reins a bit and didn’t break the face of some other male that I was socializing with. He didn’t care if I was cuddled up to any of the guys, as long as there was no groping involved and I “kept my lips to myself”, as Harry so delicately put it.

“This is boring,” Louis sighed after we had all spent what felt like eternity staring at the crackling fire. “Let’s get our house back.”

“We can’t do that until we have Elena,” Zayn mumbled.

“Everything we own is in there, we can’t do anything with or without her,” Harry added. I frowned and laced my fingers together under my chin.

“Why can’t we get it back?” I asked. Everyone just stared at me. “I mean it. You guys are… terrifying. I mean, a ghost, a vampire,  a werewolf, a shape shifter, a freaking DEMON… we can do this!”

“She has a point,” Niall nodded slowly. “I mean, I can transform into anybody- maybe even the guy that’s in charge of them. Zayn can just terrify them, if anything. Louis- you can do… something ghost-y. Harry and Liam, you two can have a weird battle thing maybe.”

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