Before You Read

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Originally, these one shots featured Naley and their seven kids-including Lydia and Jamie. However, I've been trying for the longest time to get an idea off the ground of them having a third child with disabilities. Not that her disabilities are going to define her-quite the opposite, actually-but I just see Nathan and Haley really being able to put a positive spin on it and just being such a great support for their daughter.

The character of Faith-I love her name, by the way; I picked Faith just because I could see them having a daughter with that name and Talia as her middle name because it means ' rain from heaven ' and we know all about Naley and rain XD-is like my own personal voodoo doll, tbh. I love her so much that she now goes only by ' Fay-Fay ' in my head. I wanted to write someone like me into one of my favorite shows, and it was even more perfect to make her Naley's daughter because they're my favorite couple. I sound like such a massive creeper, but I promise I'm not going to steal any five year olds or stalk anybody anytime soon 😂

On another note, I don't think I'll explain the disabilities just yet. I definitely don't want to do it here because that sounds boring. I'll try to do it in the first official chapter through the characters and such, work it in when I can. I want to say something else, but can't really think of anything except I hope you enjoy XD Thanks for reading if you do :)

With Glittering Eyes: The Life and Times of Faith Talia ScottWhere stories live. Discover now