Chapter One

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"One of the things that I love most about Laura is her openness and willingness to be vulnerable and show every part of herself to me.

"But do you see yourself spending the rest of you life with her."

He paused briefly before nodding. "I do sir and I was wondering if I could have your blessing to propose to her if it is the two of us at the end of this."

I picked up the remote and pressed pause. "Nope, it's a no from me. He hesitated."

"He stopped to think about it," Kamila retorted. "He loves her."

"But he's also a fuckboy and he's going to put her through it before they walk down the aisle. She's too good for him."

"Boo!" Kamila yelled as she threw popcorn at me. "I'm telling you, he's going to propose to her at the end of this and you will eat your words."

"No I won't, this is the Bachelor, it's stupid."

"And yet here you are invested in what's going on."

I rolled my eyes and threw the popcorn that she'd thrown at me back at her. "Be nice to me asshole."

She was right though, I am a sucker for reality TV shows. The Bachelor Franchise, Love Island, Love is blind, give me all of them, no matter how staged they are. We watched a few more episodes before the medicine that I had taken started to make me feel drowsy.

"Don't watch any episodes without me," I said as I stood up.

"See you do like it!"

"Shut up!"


"D are you still sick?" Kamila asked as she poked her head through my bedroom door.

"No, what time is it?"

"7.30, why?"

Dinah sat bolt upright. "Shit, I have to be at work in thirty minutes. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you'd normally be awake at this time so I assumed you weren't feeling well," Kamila answered with a shrug. "Go and shower, I'll pick something out for you to wear and call the café to make sure they have your usual order ready when you get there. And I'll call you an uber."

"Have I ever told you that you're an amazing little sister?"

"Only all the time."

I took the quickest shower of my life and packed my makeup bag into my purse so I wouldn't have to waste time. The uber driver was nice enough to break a few traffic laws while I did my makeup in the backseat and he even used a shortcut to get to Ally's café where the blonde was already waiting outside with my order.

"Thanks Ally you're the best!" I called out as the driver pulled off into traffic. "Okay I have ten minutes to go, that should be enough time." It wasn't, we ended up getting stuck in traffic, and I got to work fifteen minutes late.

Please don't be here, please don't be here, please don't be here, I chanted mentally as I walked into the building, pausing briefly to greet Paul the security guard. Judging by the look on his face, not only was my boss there, but she was also in a bad mood and I was going to take the brunt of whatever punishment she chose to inflict.

I took a moment to put my things down before knocking on her door. Great, she was in there with her mother. I waited a few moments and knocked a second time before entering her office.

"Good morning Normani, Mrs. Hamilton, I brought your usual."

"Hansen, you're late," she mumbled, looking away from her mother briefly.

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