The Second War and After

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Kauravs won last time

Panadavas were fighting with each other

Bhima was hit in his things by Shigandi

Nakula lead a parallel war with kekayas

s, s, s, s ...

All were fighting for their own advantage

And Pandavas.. faught with all of them,

Faught among themselves

Merely did anything in front of Kauravas

No, it was not Duryodhana in the lead

Yes it was tricks of shakuni this time

They won the ultimate power

Duryodhana is in front, as a puppet of shakuni

Shakuni is ruling from behind

Now, Shakuni is working

His merciless ideologies are being implemented

No, it's forced, imposed

They believe whole land is there

It's for them

They want to evict , , .....

From there land, they want the whole land

For them

Some vidurs and Parikshats who survived war still

Fighting against Kauravas 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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