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"I was so passionate about dancing... It made me feel like I was alive and now I feel like I'm dying ever so slowly since... I can't even walk anymore!"


The steady beeping of a machine woke up the beautiful brunette laying on the white hospital bed. He looked around in confusion when his gaze landed on a young blond haired boy who was sleeping on a chair next to him. "Ieyasu?" the brunette haired male whispered and gently shook the other boy. Ieyasu's eyes opened slowly and then he saw the brunette haired male. "Tsuna-Niisan," he greeted. "What happened?" Tsuna asked. "You were hit by a car.. Mama, s-she didn't make it," Ieyasu stuttered. "Mama," Tsuna said in a defeated tone. "I'm sorry Niisan," Ieyasu cried and latched onto his brother. "Shh... It's okay, Ie-kun.. I'm okay," Tsuna reassured. "No you're not okay! The.. The doctor said you can't walk anymore," Ieyasu sobbed. Now that the boy mentioned it, Tsuna realised he couldn't feel his legs. He stared at his legs in disbelief, he wouldn't be able to dance or spar with Kyoya anymore. Tears gathered in his eyes and so he started crying, he couldn't do a lot of things he loved doing and he felt as if Kyoya wouldn't be able to love him anymore.

Tsuna wasn't sure when him consoling Ieyasu turned to the poor ten year old comforting Tsuna instead. But Tsuna couldn't help but to worry. How would he be able to cook for their family in their current house and how would he be able to get up the stairs and move around in his wheelchair? The hallways weren't wide enough for that. Not to mention, how would Tsuna be able to go to school?

"Niisan.. Dad is home, he's been looking into getting us a new house and the necessary equipment you need... How is he even able to afford all that?" Ieyasu asked. "Dad works in the family company, I don't know what it does though," Tsuna replied, wiping off a few remaining tears. "I'd assume you will be the tenth leader if grandpa chooses you," he added. "But Niisan, aren't you the older heir?" Ieyasu asked. "I am.. But, I'm unsure if I'll still be the Decimo after this. Being Decimo is quite dangerous if you can't defend yourself, that's why dad had us go to self-defence classes," Tsuna replied. "Oh, then I'll just be there to protect you if you become Decimo! I'll be your body guard!" Ieyasu beamed. Tsuna laughed, "I'll look forward to that then," he smiled. "I'm serious Niisan! It's my duty to protect you," Ieyasu pouted. "I know, I know. I'm just teasing you," Tsuna laughed.

A young Doctor walked inside Tsuna's hospital room, "Mr Sawada. I take it your brother informed you of being incapable of walking?" she inquired. "Yes he did," Tsuna nodded. "That's good. I am here to tell you about your options on mobility," the doctor said. "Okay," Tsuna nodded. "Your options right now are to either get a regular wheelchair along with crutches and move between home and school by using a van... Or you could get an electrically powered wheelchair that would allow you to stand up and move outside without the fear of falling over or getting stuck," the doctor stated. "I'd like the electrical one.. How much is it?" Tsuna asked. "363 133.98 Yen" the doctor replied. Tsuna gulped, "We don't have that much money to spare," he whimpered. "Well the good news is that Vongola corporation is sponsoring this for you. They said your grandfather and father are working there so it was only right of them to pay this for you," the doctor exclaimed cheerfully. "Tell me, what positions do they have? My sister is working there too," she asked. "Um.. I'm unsure about dad but grandpa said he was working with the higher ups," Tsuna replied. "Oh I see! Then your grandpa is a very kind man to pay for your medical bills and the wheelchair!" the doctor smiled. "Yes, he is," Tsuna agreed.

Never again would Ieyasu take walking for granted, because he knew how much his big brother wanted to walk. Ieyasu knew Tsunayoshi had lost that gift and he hoped the older would be able to regain it. 


"Nono... Are we going to change the heir?" Asked Coyote. Timoteo let out a weary sigh, "I don't know.. All I know is that we need to catch the famiglia who attacked Decimo and his mother," he replied. "Rumours say it was Estraneo," Ganauche said. Timoteo looked grimly at the paperwork he had received from the hospital Tsunayoshi was at along with paperwork for a new house for the two brothers. "Contact Reborn, scratch that, contact all of the Arcobaleno! I want the culprits punished for attacking Decimo and Ms Nana! And contract Varia at that, I want the heirs protected at all cost," Timoteo ordered. The ninth generation guardians hastened to contract the Arcobaleno from different areas of Earth along with messaging the Varia. Yes, the Vongola would have their revenge. No-one would get away with harming the heirs of Vongola, not this time.


Tsunayoshi stared at the building he had been brought to, it was his and Ieyasu's new home. Or rather it would become home when both males grew attached to it along with new memories made. It could never replace the old Sawada residence that had so many wonderful and yet sad memories, but this new 'home' was a new beginning.

The building itself was a like smaller version of the Vongola castle, however it was still quite large as it was a mansion after all. No doubt Vongola had renovated it to resemble the typical Vongola look and had added elevators. How they finished it in less than a week would forever remain a mystery to the young heirs. Perhaps the two would later on learn the secret of fast building?

"Niisan, ready to go inside?" Ieyasu asked, with a small head tilt. Tsuna smiled, "Of course Ie-kun.. I was just observing the mansion exterior," he said. Tsuna rolled forward in his wheelchair as Ieyasu walked beside him, he couldn't help but admire the garden that was filled with orange roses along with sakura trees. Tsuna could even spot a pond further away. Ieyasu helped Tsuna get on the ramp specially made for wheelchairs and watched the male roll himself upwards as he used the stairs.

Upon entering, the first thing Tsuna saw was Kyoya. He was calmly standing near an elevator and upon spotting Tsuna, he went ahead and hugged the smaller male as Ieyasu hurriedly walked away from the scene. "Tsunayoshi," Kyoya whispered. "Kyoya," Tsuna smiled with his eyes soft. "Why didn't you ask me to visit you?" Kyoya asked upon releasing Tsuna. Tsuna looked away, "I thought you wouldn't like me anymore now that I can't spar with you," he said. Kyoya let out a small 'Hn' sound and tilted Tsuna's head upwards to face Kyoya's steel gray eyes. "Perfect," Kyoya said and Tsuna's eyes widened. He could understand the strange Hibari language quite well and Kyoya had summarized; "You're perfect the way you are and I will love you no matter what," in just one word. Tsuna's eyes glistened with tears, "I love you too," he whispered. The two kissed and Tsuna couldn't be happier; his cloud still loved him despite everything.

~~To be continued~~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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