Imagine One: Mysterious and Dangerous.

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You've only just arrived at your new home last night. You are still quite angry at your dad for making you move away. You lost your mum to cancer last year and Your dad hasn't been the same since.

You blame him for never being by her side, it was always you who sat there day and night, not caring about school. You sat there making sure that she wasn't in any pain, you sang to her like she use to do for you when you were scared of the monsters. But now you know that monsters are real and one of them was chasing you, your father didn't realize this. His boss made sure to get the both of you out of Broken Valley.

It's your first day at beacon hills high school. "Y/N wake up, you're going to be late for your first day at school" Your dad shouts up at you from the bottom of the stairs.

You don't want to get out of bed but you do anyway, you do your morning routines and go downstairs to see your dad sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee in his work uniform. "Y/N, I'm going to be working late tonight if you want you could bring food by the office and have dinner with me there?" your father asks looking at you.

"I don't know dad" with that you say goodbye and go out to your motorbike starting it up and on your way to school.

Once you arrive you look around only to know that you are so not excited to be at school let alone in Beacon hills but you know its to protect your dad and yourself even tho you know how to fight back, just as you are about to walk away and back to your motorbike when a girl with strawberry blonde hair bumps into you "oh uh sorry" she said looking at your appearance, you were wearing a black leather jacket with skinny jeans and combat boots with your midnight coloured hair up in a ponytail "Uh No problem" You say anxiously. "I'm Lydia," she says giving you a warm smile.

"Y/N" "your new right?" she asks starting to drag you behind her you just nod "come and meet the others you're gonna like it here" she states.

You doubt it but you follow her anyway. You both walk to the office allowing you to get your time table. "LYDIA!" some chick with brown hair yells walking over "Hey Ali" "Y/N this is Allison, Allison this is Y/N" Lydia exclaims. That's when two boys walks over one of them kisses Allison's cheek "Y/N this is stiles and Scott Ali's boyfriend" Lydia says introducing you to all of her friends.

"This boy who is coming is Jackson he is mine" She walks over to meet him.

"so Y/N where abouts did you come from?" Scott asks while his arm is over Alison's shoulders "Broken Valley" you state simply not showing any emotion. All their eyes go wide. The images fly through your head reminding you what happened and what you are. You walk off afterwards and back to your motor bike.

"Hey wait up!" you hear someone calling after you. "What do you want?" you turn around to see stiles trying to keep up "where are you going?" "Why do you care anyways?" you reply with a question instead of a straight answer. "Because my dad is the sheriff and he had asked me and my friends to look out for you that's why" he yells getting frustrated "well i didn't ask to move here let alone ask for people I don't even know to baby sit, so leave me alone don't you get i don't want to be here nor do i want to have friends because all they do is get hurt because of me so can you please just leave me alone and act like you don't know me?" you reply with a look of hurt on your face due to the memories of Broken Valley and your dead friends. He looked shocked because you said all of that. You turned around and got on your bike and went home.

You arrive 5 minutes later and ran upstairs to get your stuff you chuck it all into a backpack and duffle bag, you sling it over your shoulder and start walking down the stairs when you opened the door to see all those teens from school outside your front door. "ugh what do you want?" you asked angrily "were are you going?" "like i said its none of your business" with that you put your duffle bag on the back of your bike and had your backpack on your back still.

You had your black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket on, you put your helmet on and you gave stiles a note. "Make sure you give that to my dad" you sighed and started the motorbike.

You warmed up the engine, then you pulled out of the drive way.

As you reached the beacon Hills welcome sign you see something on the road making you skid to a stop. You squint to have a look at it but you know it has disappeared.

Stiles and Scott are in a blue jeep "Y/N are you alright?" Scott yells as he runs up to you. You look back at the place you saw it and stumble "yea I thought I saw..." "Saw what?" Stiles asks "Nothing" with that you jump back on your bike and turn around "Wait you're staying?" "I have to".

The end 


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