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another thursday night, nothing to accompany jimin but the growing fatigue in his haggard mind.

it was funny just how much our lives depended on the input of others, how we were given stature as if our standings were even ours to govern in the first place. jimin had grown fond of whatever remnants of individuality he had left, yet he found himself once again anticipating the arrival of another. min yoongi had (thankfully, i must say) decided to bail on him.

"the audacity." jimin spat, his jaded head harrowing as ever.

four minutes past the thirteenth hour, and his sorry excuse of a date had stood him up.


hands around his neck, slavering bile down his chin. fingers, calloused and coarse, prying his lips apart, driving a gag down his maw.

there was thrashing, flailing. the glint of a handgun. (a/n: lia, i sWEAR)

suppressed lamentation, muffled obscenities, a barrel thrusted to his forehead.


the cynical, derisive eyes of min yoongi. the doe eyes of a mother's child, poised in an expression of utmost hatred. jimin let himself indulge in a moment of  mute amusement. the repartee. it was as if a muscle-bound man was given the face of a doll.

and so it went. two very much maddened teens, one positively demented, the other gagged and held at gunpoint.

jimin laughed. he chuckled as best he could, given he was throttled and bound, spread-eagle, to his headboard.

"i guess it ends like this, huh?" jimin said, managing a poignant smile. tears struck his cheek a tad more than he would've liked.

"it sure does, babyboy." yoongi said. his face remained devoid of mirth, his eyes seemingly exuding hostility.

he pulled the trigger, a flicker of remorse prominent in his otherwise unfathomable eyes.

jimin's head lolled forward, the ghost of a smile still depicted on his lifeless face.


the odd hour or so later, just aft a quaint flower shop, kim taehyung sighed in displeasure for the nth time that night. he scrolled listlessly through the contacts on his phone, his bleary eyes dithering in and out of gauzy focus. 

jimin never overlooks my messages, taehyung thought, his grip on his bouquet of gossamer carnations slackening.

he found himself hailing a ride off the curb, peering out the cheap acrylic windows. 

odd. he thought. he hadn't even resorted to his melodramatic tendency to pretend he was in a sappy 2003 music video, staring longingly out the window. taehyung was in dire need of a distraction. his sneakers, the lint that covered the shotgun seat, the bottles of strange tawny liquid strewn across the dashboard, the driver's nameplate--

ooh, yes. taehyung thought. min yoon-gi. 22 years of age, 174cm--

"where to, sir?" a voice started. it occurred to taehyung he hadn't yet given the driver a destination. a bashful smile graced its way onto his cheeks.

"sorry, ahjussi. drop me off at 13th avenue, mapo-gu please. look for a guy called park jimin."

the man froze, poised in a stance of hindrance. he listed ever-so-slightly closer to taehyung, his voice becoming all the more guttural.

"and this man is your..." he started, implying taehyung speak of their relation.

"h-he's my-my boyfriend." taehyung replied, eyeing the man seated before him warily.

"aah. ok." this 'min yoon-gi' said. "how 'bout i drop you off on the 16th instead, kid -- looks like there's, uh, road blockage around there."

"sure, that's fine by me." taehyung said, wholly unbeknownst to the man's sudden prudence.


prologue's a wrap, let me know what you think so far!
leave constructive criticism^ see you when i see you!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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