Here ya go

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Ariel is connected to Kida from Milo saves Atlantis. Atlantis older than Atlantica, Ariel's kingdom. The Atlantis king had band all traitors and turned them into mirpeople, king Triton is the king. He is the son of posiden, who is the brother of Zues, who is the father or Hercules, so Ariel is Hercules's 2nd cousin. We all know that Triton hates mortals-like Greek gods- and why. Because Ariel's mother was killed by them. We know Ariel did not get her red hair from her father-but from her mother in the 3rd little mermaid movie. They changed Hercules's hair to red, most ancient Greeks were blond or dark haired. Ariel's ocean kingdom is near the Netherlands kingdoms. Sound familiar? Perhaps Neverland from Peter Pan? Where there are mermaids? Look on the rocks and you'll see mortal hating mermaids. You know they do because they tried to drawn Wendy. There is a red haired mermaid that resembles Ariel and her mother. However, the times periods of the movies make it seem unlikely that she is Ariel's mother....but possibly her sister? There is a theory that says that merpeople breed like fish, females lay eggs, male fertilizes them. Kings have been known to have more than one wife, that why all the sisters look different. The mermaid from Peter Pan, we'll call her Ariana, happened mutch later than Ariel, 150 years later. So because mermaids are presumed to live longer than humans and Ariel had at least on kid, it is possible that Ariana is Ariel's daughter or granddaughter. We all know the Frozen sisters -Tarzan- Little Mermaid-tangled theory. It's all true....however Rapunzel happened 300 years before frozen and Tarzan, they more than likely put Rapunzel and Eugene in the movie as an Easter egg. The little mermaid happened 20 years after frozen and Tarzan.

So in Chronological order it goes

Atlantis-> then Atlantica's kingdom before Ariel ->Ancient Greece for Hercules-> Rapunzel -> frozen+Tarzan -> Atlantica during Ariel's mermaid years ->Netherlands during Ariel's human/mermaid years -> Neverland.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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