Chapter 14 : New Strength

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Damien's POV

(A,N): Okay so let me get a few things out of the way. First off, we have finally reached the 1k readers mark and for that, I thank each and every one of you who have given this story a chance. I fell out of the writing mindset back a few months for a number of reasons. Burnout...depression...anxiety. I slowly worked my way back into it and now, it's fun for me to write again. I know I'm slow at updating my stories sometimes and for that I apologize but I hope that the quality of the story can somewhat rectify my mistakes. This story is something that I take pride in so rushing something out just doesn't suit me at all. I'd like to thank everyone who voted, commented, or just took a glance at this story and those who have kept up with it this far. You've really helped me fuel this story to keep it going and without you, it frankly wouldn't exist. Last thing, lately my mental health has been in question so the rate at which I update this story may take a hit. Depression has been kicking the shit out of me lately so my mind just doesn't want to cooperate with me sometimes. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and hopefully, more chapters will be coming along here shortly.

I woke up from the sound of the window being tapped on. I look over at Neo, who was still asleep next to me, and slowly rose up and glanced outside to see the Black Legion's doctor standing with a group of men. I threw my armor on and quickly made my way downstairs and outside to see what they were wanting.

"Hello Mr. White." The doctor said.

"Hello...what are you all doing here at my this time of the night?"

"We just needed to have a word with you. Right this way please." She said as they all began escorting me down the path. I kept my guard up the entire walk, not knowing where this was leading to. We walked inside her clinic and straight to her office. As soon as I came through the door, the door was closed behind me as two men stood next to it. I got in a fighting stance, preparing for what pain was about to be brought upon me.

"Ease up Mr. White. We're not here to fight. There's just an important matter that we have to discuss." The doctor said as she took a seat behind her desk. I looked at the chair across from her in reluctance, something that she picked up on.

"Please...take a seat." She said as I hesitantly slid into the chair.

"What's this about?"

"Straight to the point eh? I like that. I'll cut to the chase. Your are they holding up."

"Just fine...why does it matter?"

"That's surprising. I could have sworn the augments were supposed to deteriorate to almost nothing by now." She said as she pulled out a cigar box from her desk drawer and sat it on the desk. She opened it, pulled out a cigar and placed in between her lips before lighting it. She took a deep huff before finally letting out all of the smoke.

"You want one?" She asked.

"I think I'll pass. As for my augments, even if they were deteriorating, why would I ever tell you?" I asked as I could hear the men behind me begin to move around the room.

"Because you're not in good condition. Not good enough to go into Atlas at least. If you'll even make it to that point of the operation."

"Does Wesker know?"

"No and you're lucky he doesn't. He's been pressuring me to get you fixed up fast before you resume your normal activities. I haven't said a word to him about it...yet." She said.

"Wait, forgive me for not exactly trusting anything anyone here has to say to me, but I have to ask. What's your gameplan here?" I asked as she smirked and stood up.

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