I. Problematic Escapists

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Hi!!! I'm your author, Grace!

I was recently rewatching SDS and remembered my love for this dumb asshole, so why not write another fanfiction! (even though I have 2 others to work on as well-)

So, with that said, updates will be slower than expected, but I promise there will at least be two chapters a month, if not that, then more.




'This cell fucking sucks,' The cold chains against your wrists clang together, the noise making you cringe, 'Baste prison. The shithole I've been stuck in for ten goddamn years. Supposedly, my comrades and I killed the Holy Knight Grandmaster, along with slaughtering tons of Holy Knights themselves; which, we didn't. We might've, I can't really remember,'

You sigh, glaring at the tall ceiling above you. There was nothing to do. Ever. The only exciting thing that would happen was when they'd take you out to torture you, or when Ban would finally talk to you through the tiny hole in between your cells.

Speak of the devil, "N/n..." He dragged on your name, obviously bored, "I'm bored,"

"Me too, Ban," You agreed, leaning your head back on the concrete wall. A moment of silence was shared between you two until you spoke up, "Do you think Captain forgot about us?"

This thought had been on your mind ever since your second year of being in this hell hole. Ban, who hadn't been placed in jail until five years ago, never really mentioned anything about Captain.

"Are you dumb?" A slight chuckle escaped his lips, "Of course he didn't. He said to wait until he came, and I have a feeling today we'll finally be free," There was such confidence in his voice and it made him hard to doubt.

A sigh escaped your lips, "I hope so. I fucking hope so,"

"Oi! Bird brain! Get your ass off the floor with your back against the wall!" Guards stormed into your cell, the metal door banging against the wall. 

"Yeah, yeah, I get it ya daft bastards," You chuckle, your legs aching as you stood up. Sitting on the floor for so long can hurt.

Ban's snickering was heard through the hole, which only made you smile more. 'He's the only reason I'm sane anymore,' You think, many joints popping as you rose to your full height. You were pretty tall for a fairy, standing at 5'9.Just like your friend Harlequin, you didn't have wings, which made you seem like a regular human, and you could pass as one, if it weren't for the bright red raven symbol on your hand. 

The sword tip jabbed into your thigh stopped your train of thought, pain overtaking everything  racing through your mind. This was nothing new, of course; the guards, although you were an alleged criminal, would fawn over your curvy figure, always stabbing swords and arrows into places they thought were appealing, which made no sense to you. They would scar over, sometimes getting infections, but you were able to use your magical ability, Seastorm, to get rid of any unwanted bacteria. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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