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They stole our wealth and minds

 by convincing us it was never ours


Amara's P.O.V

I kept the memories ,mainly because it was all I had. I have never been good at keeping in touch and somehow I always knew that see you later meant goodbye.Moreover , I am terrible at finding things or people.Truth is, the way I felt when I was with you is the closest I have been to heaven.You are one of the people I could go to hell and back for.

Eight Years Ago






"YES!I meant NO! I am not doing it and you can't force me to do it. We can't even stand each other. One of us will end up in a body bag at the end of this night . Is this the best going away present I can get?"I pouted as I turned to face Kiza ready to spill tears if it will get me out of these outrageous plan he had come up with.

I knew from the second he walked in wearing that black pullover and his brown leather jacket that I had already lost the battle but I was not going down without a fight.I knew I was going to cave into whatever shenanigans he had in mind when he walked  in with that smirk. I hated the way he had gone out of his way to impress very ungrateful people that I will have to interact with  tonight.It was my last night at home and I, being the anti-social person I am ,wanted to spend it at home, in my bed, probably cozied in reading a book.I picked up the dress I had thrown on the ground and stomped my way to the bathroom.

"Keep in your mind that I only lost because I wanted to and I am only going because you are going."

It has been a rough couple of months for Kiza .At this point , if he wanted to go bungee jumping, hell I'd go with him ,putting aside my paralyzing fear of falling and heights or falling to my death .He had been taking care of his sick mother before she succumbed to lupus. It had been a month since the burial.It was still a very sensitive topic for him and it took him to a very dark place, so I avoided it . 

I changed into the dark blue skater dress , wore my black converse sneakers and a black leather jacket . I tied my braids in a high bun and applied some lip gloss  on my lips and eyeliner to my eyes.

I walked out of my bathroom to find Kiza going through my art sketches.

"Lets get this over with," I told him as we walked out of my bedroom. I still had to inform my parents that I was going to the movies but knowing Kiza ,he probably had already asked them and they had agreed.I was still secretly hoping that they would not give me permission and the night will end there.

"Enjoy yourself honey. Don't be out late,"my mother said as soon as she saw us walk into the living room.I just waved at her and then walked out of the door.

We were meeting Keriko and Maya at the movies and I would have really preferred to walk than taking the bus but since I was acting as a wing-man today, whatever Kiza wants ,Kiza gets, so we took the bus.Honestly, I never really liked those two but since Kiza's judgement was somehow blinded by his crush,which he had fooled himself to believe is love, I had learnt to keep some opinions to myself.

When we arrived at the mall , we first bought some food as we waited for the others to arrive. Let's be real, Kiza was waiting for them,I was waiting for the night to be over.Well, I didn't have to wait long cause apparently Keriko and Maya couldn't make it.I was not surprised but seeing the disappointment on Kiza's face , I kept my comments to myself.

"You know what, we can go to the movies without them.My curfew is still three hours away.Scratch that, let's go to the fair.There is bound to be more action there and it's nearby too,we can walk", I suggested after Kiza explained that Maya had food poisoning and could not make it hence Keriko decided to cancel to.

It took us about fifteen minutes to arrive at the fair and I lead the way towards the stables. Kiza was afraid of horses due to unfortunate series of events that should have also left me paralyzed with fear but I loved the thrill of adventure .I jumped on the saddle of a midnight black,a nickname we had given to the most tame horse at the fair mostly based on the color of its fur though the fur next to its hooves were white.

 Next, we went to the wheel of fortune. When it came to luck,Kiza was one of the few people whose luck flowed abundantly. Winning came easy and the prizes ,lets' just say the prizes were worth the money I lost in the games .Let me tell you, I sucked at this games and that frustrated me to no end.At the back of my mind ,I knew the games were rigged but how come Kiza was winning with such ease.I guess I was kind of jealous.

After putting our winnings,mostly Kiza's,at a secure place, we headed towards the rides but I first went to the washroom.As I walked into the washroom, I knocked into someone.

"Hey, watch where I am going!!!!",she yelled at me.

"Maya,is that you?I have a lot of questions but your presence here answers them all",I calmly said while staring at her from head to toe.

I did not have time for this,so I entered the washroom and finished my business.I headed towards the rides and moved Kiza out of the line.

"Hey, what was that for?Do you know we will have to wait longer to go on the roller coaster?"Kiza asked me.

"Lets's go home,I feel tired and exhausted,"I told him in a pleading voice.

"Hey,is something wrong?Do you want to talk?"Kiza asked me.

I just shook my head and he understood that I did not want to divulge any detail.Being understanding as he is, he took me home .Before, he left he told me that he might not be there to see me off the next day .I just hugged him and told him see you later.

Later became eight years......... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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