He got a job?

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((HALLO EVERYONE. I'm so FUCKING sorry for taking so long on this story. Don't kill me @0@ >n< anyways.. This is just a thank you, and I honestly didn't think that people would read this. But daymn. Thanks for reading, you guys are the best <3 ☆〜(ゝ。∂)Also, I'm just gonna leave some tumblr pictures for you, if I don't got anything related to the story. Btw, happy valentines day-Egtastic))

Hikaru's pov:

Once Tanaka left the front room, I stood up from the couch yawning some more. Damn, I'm not even tired, I just yawn. My face was still tinted red from remembering the comments Tanaka said before he left the room. 'Prepare for it soon. Who knows when the next time ill be in that mood again? It'll be unexpected.' I shivered as I recalled his smooth words replaying in my head. Gosh, this was troubling. He could attack me anytime he wants, even though I'm pretty sure he would warn me again. I sighed, then walked into his kitchen, opening the fridge. Ever since I moved in, his house has been as clean as it gets. As soon as I closed the door, I noticed a white piece of paper, with handwriting that looked like a 4th graders. "Out to find a job, be back soon
-Tanaka" I chuckled a little. At least he knows how to spell. Fuck. I forgot what I was doing. I was looking for food wasn't I?

I opened the fridge once again, and looked around, moving some things. Gosh, there's nothing to really eat. I could make with the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. Fuck yes I'm a genius chef. I quickly made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and ate it. I'm sure he will be home with more food later. After I washed my dishes, I ran back into the living room, and then into his bed room doing a barrel roll on his bed. I need a life. I'm doing pointless things. He doesn't even have a tv. What kind of person doesn't have one? What does he do at night the- WHoa what if he..?! I blushed just thinking about it. E-every night?! I doubt it. I've only been living here for about a week, and I'm just now asking these questions. Don't judge me. I laid there on his bed for the longest time, thinking about what's happened so far. I couldn't believe that people were looking for me, but I couldn't care less right then. They could think I was dead and I still wouldn't care. My life was horrible. But then again, I've never really thought about Tanaka's life, and how he feels about it. I need to stop thinking only about myself.

For hours it seemed, I Laid there on his bed waiting for him to come back. All I could do was roll over and over on his bed, being bored. I should've went somewhere instead of staying here, but I guess it's too late for that.

Soon enough i heard the door slam closed, which made me sit up on the bed. "Hikaru? I've got good news!" Tanaka said sounding excited. I leaped out of his bed, and out of the packed door way. I heard his footsteps approaching the hall, so I ran down it and freaked him out a bit. "OH! Jeez don't do that." I chuckled a little. "So what is it?" I looked up at him smiling. "I...GOT A JOB." He folded his arms and phrased himself. Who would've thought he was such a funny person? "Really??! What kind of job is it?" I asked in high spirits. "Ehe, i work as a store clerk. It'll get me used to people again." That was perfect. Kind of. Depending if he's gonna get upset at people asking for different prices or not. "Also Hikaru how long are you planning on staying here?" My heart sank a little low. This question was gonna show up sooner or later. "Uh, I don't know. Until my manager comes and gets me?" No I don't wanna leave. "Okay, because I'm trying my best not to attack you but it's getting a little harder when I know you're always in my bedroom when I'm gone." I blushed deeply, and tensed up. "A-ALL I DO IS REST ON YOur bed. The couch isn't comfortable." My voice cracked in the middle of my remark. "Then sleep in my bed with me~." His voice trailed off with his words, sounding amused. "Er.. Fine."
I turned my head being embarrassed and saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. "So I brought home more food." He finally said. My face lit up and turned back to him. "What kind??"

"Food." He pointed to the kitchen which automatically lead me to it. On the counter were bags filled with new food that he probably wasted a lot of money on. Ill pay him back later. My hands scavenged though the bags, feeling a lot of food that needed to be put away. So I decided to, just to thank him. As I was putting them away, I found a lot of great things that I could probably cook for us for dinner. "Tanaka~? A chicken? Ill cook it tomorrow." I said as I put it away. I didn't get a response, but didn't bother with it either.

Tanaka's poV:

I think he's making us dinner. That's what it sounded like anyways. "Tanaka~? A chicken? Ill cook it tomorrow." His voice made me smile. Every time I heard it. Was it because he pulled me out of deep depression? Maybe. Or maybe it's something else. Maybe I like him. Or maybe it's love. That would explain why I wanna touch him all the time. And did he really think that when I kissed him, i got it from a book? I did that because I felt like I needed to. The timing felt right.

I chuckled to myself thinking this way, but then accidentally hit my head on the door way. "Ow fuck."
"What's wrong?" My blood ran cold as the surprise Hikaru stood in front of me. "Could you stop doing that?" He bursted into laughter. "Nope! It's funny seeing you stiffen up like that." I grew a little irritated, but brushed it off. I couldn't stay mad at Hikaru. "Dinners ready." I turned to him and smiled. "What did you make?"
"Ramen." Ramen. The first thing that he's ever prepared for me. That made me happy.

He grabbed me by my sleeve, and tugged me to the small table which already had the Ramen set up. "Now we eat like men!" I chuckled again. "This isn't even a lot of food."
"It's the thought that counts~." He gave me a fork and we dug right in.


After we ate, I washed all the dishes because I knew I couldn't trust Tanaka to do so. We then sat down on the couch and talked about what we did all day. Mine wasn't very exciting since he knew that I was resting on his bed all day. His was though. Tanaka was exploring all around the city for a job, and then someone came up to him and led him to a store not far from here! He's finally getting his life back in order. And good luck too!

Eventually we both fell silent. I yawned quietly and looked at the clock. 11:32pm. It wasn't even that late, but I was tired. "Sleepy?" He asked. I nodded, and giggled a little. "Well? Lets go to bed then." My face went to an instant blush as I recalled that we were to be sleeping together in the same bed again. But last time didn't count, I was scared. "Stop blushing and let's just go." He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the hallway. Then into his room. I stood there for a second frozen, but then decided that it was stupid to be worrying about a silly thing like this. He slid right under the covers, and I did the same on the other side. Smiling again since this means that we're even closer then we were before. He turned off a small lamp that was next to his bed, and rolled over getting comfortable. The smile left my face as i reminded myself that there was no way I was gonna be able to get comfortable here. Eventually I drifted off.

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