Chapter 1: Left

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"Take it, I don't want it anymore."

Error glowered at the creators words.

The short skeleton had once again barged into his void unannounced. With him was a strange wooden basket. Inside was a blanket, wadded up.

Usually the mega glitch would throw the painter out, or at the least fight with him a bit until he became bored.

But his curiosity of what was in the basket the other was offering to him was to irresistible.

Error reached out hesitantly to take it.

"Whats in it?" The glitch queried.

The creator merely shrugged. "Not much. A blanket, some padding, aaaand-" he rubbed is chin, thinking it over.

"Oh yeah! A baby!"

Error snapped back, having been inches away from touching it.
"A WHAT?" His voice cracked and his eyes filled with Error signs.

Ink snickered slightly. Finding it amusing the destroyer was on the verge of crashing.

After a moment Error regained his composure, growling at Ink. "Why did you bring a baby here?" He hissed.

"Well I brought it here because I don't want it anymore! I thought it would be fun to have a kid but it's actually really boring and all together annoying." Ink said simply, as if the glitch should have already known.

"That doesn't explain why you brought it to me." Error sighed angrily. "I hate kids! Especially babies! Why not give it to a Toriel?"

Ink cocked his head. "From what I've learned from watching others, babies are supposed to be happier with their biological parents. From what Sci told me, this baby's parents are you and me!" Ink said happily.

Error signs once again filled the glitches eyes. "There is no way in hell we had a child! I've never touched you or anyone in that way!" He snarled.

Ink snorted a bit. "You're a Virgin? I mean, I kinda suspected-"

Error had crashed at that point.

When he came to, Ink was sitting cross legged in front of him. Basket gone, holding rather loosely a now unwrapped blanket.

In a single glance Error knew the damned creator wasn't lying.

There was a baby in his arms.

Just seeing it had him at the verge of another crash.

"How? How did you make that- that abomination!" Errors voice glitched heavily as he forced himself not to glitch out.

"Well i found it in the void and took it to Sci, and Sci said, 'when an AU is deleted, yours and Errors magic is left behind in the void. When the X event happened, something in that magic must have sparked causing the magic to combined and form a living being-'. Then he went on for a hour about souls and how revolutionary this was but I zoned out by then and-." Ink rambled.

Error had calmed down by then, and was looking over the abomination. Slowly coming to terms that it was actually a real thing and not just a prank.

It was rather small now that he could see it through unclouded eyes. The child looked a lot like the destroyer color wise with pink instead of red. It didn't have strings down it's cheeks, instead it had a colorful version of the creators ink smudge.

It's head looked messed up. Globs of what looked like ink floated like wax in a lava lamp just above it's head.

Altogether, it was the most disgusting thing Error had ever seen.

"-so now you will be taking care of it!"

Error snapped up. "I am not!"

"You don't have a choice." Ink said uncaring as he stood and held out the infant.

Error took a step back. Growling darkly. "I'm not touching that thing!"

"Oh right! Your silly phobia. I'll just leave it on the floor."

"If you leave that thing here I'll kill it!" Error threatened, a smirk making its way on his face.

Ink tilted his head again. "And? Why should I care what you do with it?"

This made Error falter a bit.

The creator looked at him then the baby, then smiled like he had a brilliant idea.

Before Error could even respond to the others last statement, Ink tossed the child at him.

The bundle went flying.

In an instant everything slowed down for the destroyer.

The white void was gone.

They were in a kitchen.

It had only been a few days since their little miracle had entered the world.

His mate had been fooling around with the newborn. Spinning and making funny faces at the giggling child.

He was standing in the door way, worried something might happen. Warning his beloved to be careful.

His mate waved off his worry and did another spin.

Then, the worst.

His mate tripped on his robes. He hit the floor.

The bundle went flying.

He hurried forward, arms just within reach to scoop up his precious charge before they hit the ground.

Shaking he cradled the now crying infant. Whipping to his mate he glared and snarled.


Reaper wasn't there.

Instead stood Ink. Eyes flashing different colors and shapes. Most falling on question and exclamation marks.

"Wha-" Error looked at him with equal confusion. Why had he expected the god of Death?

Wait, what had he been thinking? He... he couldn't remember.

Ink tilted his head again. "That was unexpected! I truly thought you would have screamed and ran. Bummer."

Error glared at him, mind still trying to work out what had happened. A loud crying was muffling his thoughts though.

"Well, since you've got everything covered, I'm off. See ya glitchy!" Ink waved happily before jumping into a puddle of ink he splattered on the ground.

Error stated after him with a growl before realizing the crying was still there.

"Idiot, he left that fucking baby!" He snapped, glancing around for the abomination.

A small movement by his chest made him look down to see the infant cradled in his arms.

Before Error could react he crashed for a second time that day.

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