Chapter 3: Dolls and Options

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Error grinned at the screams of the terrified mother as he shot his strings.

They flew dangerously close to her and the child she held tightly, but didn't hit.

The glitch watched in amusement at her confusion while the strings grabbed the bottle she had just prepared before retreating back through the portal.

Without giving the woman and child a second glance he closed the portal and faced his own whining offspring.

It was propped up in his oversized beanbag fist stretched out to him waving uselessly. Using his strings he lowered the bottle for the abomination.

It immediately latched on, suckling the bottle hungrily.

The destroyer sat in front of it, watching to ensure the drat didn't choke, again.

About a month had past. After mulling over his options on the situation he has decided to go with the voices plan.

Only problem was which Toriel he could go to. Sighing he summoned two thin bones and his strings and began to knit the structure of a puppet.

As he worked the destroyer began to speak. As he did quite often.

To who? Nobody knows, not even himself.

Needless he rambled out loud.

"Undertales Toriel is out of the question. Any Au That is a branch of the Original is off limits.

Underfell, to, is out for obvious reasons. Hell any Au with the word Fell in it is out.

Underswap Asgore would be a good option, but that damned Swap Papyrus has his alternates to call if any so much as get a glance of me. Also I don't want to deal with another Berry situation.

Outertale has too much popularity. Many Sanses from Dreams stupid council likes to hangout in its timelines. I can't count how many times those spineless bastards called Dream or Ink on me for stargazing. Or even stupid enough to try and fight on their own.

UnderNovela, though in my eyes the obvious choice, can't be used. I could accidentally ruin the storyline with my presence. Besides, I'm pretty sure Novela Toriel is pregnant with Sins child and I couldn't ruin the perfect drama of that."

His list went on, crossing out most of his options. Mostly because the Aus Sans or Papyrus.

Raising up the Puppet he scowled. With a snap of his fingers fabric and a box of sewing supplies descended from the web of strings above. Humming softly be began sewing some clothes and continue his spill.

"The only option I have now were isolated Aus or a Toriel from the Omega timeline. But at the same time Isolated Aus are watched and visited by the damned creator. And I sadly has no access to the Omega timeline... So they also go on my list."

Finishing the final few stitches, he raised the puppet up to eye level. It was a simple Sans. Pink fluffy slippers and light blue jacket.

"So I have to just look around and find one that's good enough." He growled to himself as he squeezed the puppet.

A small gurgling made him look past his creation to the little abomination.

It had finished the bottle and was watching him with interest.

The destroyer scooted closer, grabbed the bottle and tossed it through a portal before looking down at the brat with a lazy glare.

"What? What are you staring at rat?" He snapped.

The infant simply gurgled again and waved its arms at him.

"Disgusting, weak, pathetic little creature. I could kill you in a heartbeat." He growled, intending to startle the little beast.

Yet it wasn't. Instead it smiled and giggled at him.

Error fell expressionless for a moment. Soul bubbling in a way it hadn't before.

Shaking his head and reinstating his glare he placed the new puppet on abominations lap. It was nearly the same size as the brat.

The infant immediately grabbed at it curiously.

"There. Look at that and let me think." He grunted before turning away from the child.

He opened a portal to look through different Aus once again to see if any would catch his eye.

What about Storyshift?

Error shook his head as he waved from Au to Au. "The Sans and Papyrus of those Aus are more healer than caretaker. I want my offspring to be raised right."

Aww, you big softy~.

Error growled darkly. "I am not soft. I am the destroyer! I am the most evil! Most violent! Most handsome monster in the multiverse!"

And yet you gave your child a doll~.

Error glitch as he shook a fist in the air. "THEY ARE PUPPETS NOT DOLLS!"

A choir of laughter and halfhearted taunting was shot his way.

Error snarled, scratching at his cheek before looking down. His eye widened a bit when he realized what Au he landed on.

There, through the portal was large lush forest.

In the distance stood a figure in a beautiful flowing gown.

Error grind madly as he set a hand against the one way portal. "She's perfect."

The voices hearing him saw the figure and had all but fallen to a quiet murmur.

The destroyer turned to the infant who was snuggled with the puppet and on the verge of sleep.

He chuckled and hummed. "Tomorrow we're taking a trip to say hi to your new caretaker."

Turning back to get another look at her he continued.

"Good old Life~"

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