Chapter One: Swapped?

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Cheers and shouts harped on my ears as I threw another punch. The person dodged and caught me in the gut knocking me down. Suddenly the room went silent as three women walked up to the circle of people. “Crystal! Again? This is the fifth one this week!” one woman cried picking me up from the floor. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up. You have a visitor.”

    I was dragged along as she raced us to the nearest bathroom. She grabbed towels and washcloths and began wiping my face off. “I am sorry Ms. Abby.” I apologized.

    “What was it about this time?” Ms. Abby asked not even looking at me.

    “She said that the reason I am here is because my parents didn’t want me. I got mad and just punched her. I’m sorry.” I said again.

    “Ms. Abby didn’t comment as she finished hanging all the washcloths and towels on the “Needs washing” line. She motioned for me to follow her. We walked down the halls of the orphanage that lead to the main office area. Even though I had a lot of questions I stayed silent.

    Ms. Abby kept glancing back at me. Almost as if she was making sure I was still there and not trying to escape. When we got to the main office I saw a man through the glass. On instinct I began looking him over. I’ve learned that through people’s appearance you can tell a lot about them. Ms. Abby motioned me inside the office before leaving back the way we came.

    “You must be Crystal Myers. I have heard a lot about you.” the man said, holding out his hand, “I am Xavier.”

    I hesitantly took his hand. His appearance told me two things. One he had to either be a businessman or and agent for the FBI and two, he wasn’t just an employee. He was high up in management.

“I noticed you sizing me up before you came in. Mind telling me what you’ve figured out?” Xavier asked. 

“How did you know I was sizing you up? You weren’t even facing me!” I cried, shocked.

“Tell me what you found out about me and I will tell you how I knew you were sizing me up.” Xavier replied calmly.

“Well, you are either a businessman or an agent for the FBI and you must be high up on the management list to be wearing nice clothes like those.” I told him. I decided not to reveal that I already knew he wasn’t a businessman.

“Good. And by now you have probably come to the conclusion that I can’t possibly be a businessman. Is that correct?” Xavier deduced.

I was speechless. How could he have known what I was thinking? I realized he was still waiting for a response. I nodded. Ms. Abby came back in with Mrs. Craw behind her. Xavier looked at both of them in turn and then back to me. “She is everything you said about her and more. I think she will be perfect.” he glanced back up at the women.

“Great! I have the papers right here.” Mrs. Craw motioned towards her desk. On her desk sat adoption papers.

“Excuse me? Do I get a say in this?” I cried.

“Of course you do. What is on your mind?” Xavier asked. Instantly I was taken aback. I really expected a no as the answer.

“Well, um...Yeah, I don’t even know who you are! All I got was a first name, you aren’t a businessman, and just by asking me random questions you already know I am perfect? Perfect for what? Nothing about this makes any sense!” I shouted.

“Crystal! Keep your voice down!” Mrs. Craw snapped.

“No Sofia, she has a right to be mad and confused. I was going to wait to tell you this, but I guess there is no time like the present.” Xavier went on to explain to me who he was and why he thought I would be a perfect candidate. He told me that if I said yes my life would change forever.

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