La Noche

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A/N: Hi, so I haven't written in a while... Let me know what you guys think, I felt inspired. 


Her fingers gripped the steering wheel anxiously as she drove, it wasn't safe. She knew it wasn't safe, who the hell drives around Freeridge at 4am, that's like seeking trouble. Damn insomnia... 

Arabella had just moved to Freeridge three days ago, it was a last resort type of thing. I mean who would willing in their right mind move somewhere like this? But she had no choice, trying to escape her abusive boyfriend meant that she had lost everything and Freeridge offered anonymity, freedom, safety... In a sick twisted way. 

Her next door neighbours had visited the day she moved in, a lovely couple in their 70's, with a tray of freshly baked pumpkin pie and the best of intentions. They explained the situation in Freeridge, about the Prophets and the Santos - they told her to just stay out of it and she might just make it. If a stray bullet didn't get her first.

Yet here she was, driving around 4am in her pijamas, trying to calm her restless mind and maybe catch a few hours of shut eye. She had started the habit after insomnia had wriggled its way into her life. 

Driving helped quiet her thoughts and it had been a nice escape from her ex-boyfriend, when he got too dangerous. Now it was a bad habit, that could get her in trouble somewhere like this.

That's when she spotted him, a little beaten up kid off the side of the road, trying to use his backpack as a pillow. Immediately she pulled over, she couldn't bear to think of a kid having to sleep a day in these streets. 

The air was cold and bitter, she put her hand in her pockets to try to warm up. 

As she moved closer to take a better look at him, she could see the fresh cuts and bruises on his face, her mind screamed danger but curiosity killed the cat, right? His head was shaven and he wore a chain around his neck. She bent down near him and gently patted his arm. 

'Hey there' he immediately sat up, startled. 'I don't mean to scare you... I was just driving by and saw you here on the side of the road. What's your name?'

'What's it to you?' he spat back at her, she could hear the anger and hurt in his voice. Arabella knew, or she thought she knew, it wasn't really directed at her. Whatever had put him in this situation, was causing him to be wary and lash out. 

She smiled kindly. 'I just wanted to do my one good deed of the day. You look like you could use some help, maybe a bed and a shower?'

His features softened and he looked at her confused. 'D-Do I know you?'

'Not really, I just moved here. My name is Arabella.' she stretched her hand out to him so he could shake it but all he did was stare at it and then back at her. 

Arabella dropped her hand and muttered 'I guess manners aren't really your thing.' 

'You don't know me.' he said through gritted teeth 'And if you did know me, you wouldn't be here talking to me. Didn't anyone explain to you the rules of this hood?'

'Well, I can't really know you if I don't even know your name.' 

'If you must know, it's Cesar. Now.Back.Off.'

Cesar seized her up, she didn't look gang affiliated. Not in her cat adorned pijamas and dirty nike trainers. 

'Nice to meet you Cesar. And you let me worry about the rules, listen... I've been where you are now, sort of... I really just want to help, promise I'm not a serial killer. I don't have much space but I have a nice couch you can crash on? Until you're back on you feet.'

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