Chapter 1

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Here's a quick little game, so imagine you are in a library. No, a bookstore, a very old twisty turvy one with pillars of books and dust for days. Now in this bookstore, per say you are in a conflicting position. I know right? Why would anyone be in a conflicted position surrounded by books? But the point being you are in a heavy situation, where A: you can fend for yourself, or B: help others. What might you do? Right now I am very well burdened by that exact questionnaire. Okay I might have left some things out. In this bookstore it's life or death. I'm sure you think I ripped you off, but hey I was too. I came to this relic of a store to dwell in history, yet all I got was a serious case of the serial killers. I don't know what to do, I mean what would someone do in a position like this. Panic? Because if that's the case I can't, I have high blood pressure.

2 days earlier

Senior spring break
The groups, the groups, the groups. Who will I get? For someone like me, anxiety is a regular based topic. I stress over test scores when I'll probably be class valedictorian. So when someone tries to split me up from my friends, and put me in a group with 3 random people it's a tragedy. My high school, Melrose High, holds a group spring break trip every year. This one happens to be for any seniors in the French department. I Marie Celeste Thompson am always prepared, but at the moment l've drawn a blank. I don't think I can get by with 3 random people telling me what to do for the next 2 weeks. I hope Sage is in my group. As if her name summoned her Sage appeared in the crowd of students. The informational meeting was being held in our school auditorium. One look at the place and it screams fire hazard. The floorboards of the stage were rotting from crisp brown to soggy gray. The curtains were stringed up haphazardly, like no one would notice. Also don't get me started on the paint color lining the walls. Once a pristine black now a lingering gray. Pulling me out of my hazard rant Sage repeated,
" are you excited for France? I know all the cultural history will consume you."
I could tell Sage was trying to hold back a laugh in hopes of brightening my mood.
" On the contrary I would be flourished to spend 2 weeks in France wallowing in history, but unfortunately I have 3 others to ruin it for me."
I knew I sounded harsh, but I couldn't hold back my dismay of being alone with 3 other people. Sage has been my best friend since forever, glued to my side. Being separated from her would be unbearable, but I knew I could try to deal.
Knowing the separation hurt me, Sage patted my arm and said, " let's go find a seat, less time to worry about what's to come."
Nodding off to the middle seats I followed Sage. Things were starting to slow down.
" oooow"
I had bumped into someone, I guess the crowd hadn't really slowed down.
" Do you even know who you just bumped into" , the person screeched.
I turned around only to be face to face with Sasha Russo, who just at the right time flicked her silky black hair into my face.
Ex beauty queen, Ex pageant queen, and Ex best friend. My only question for her, why was I always the subject of her torment. She just loved to mess with the fabric of my life.

To be continued...........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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