Chapter 1

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Scarlett's POV

Beep beep! the sound of my alarm clock goes off making me fall off my bed, and landed on my face.

"damn it", I mumbled.

right then I knew I had to get ready for the first day of school, where I'd be starting senior year.

So I got on my feet and started stumbling to the bathroom, as I got in and close the door behind, taking in my appearance in the mirror I looked like a complete mess my long red hair was everywhere and my green eyes that is supposed to be bright and piercing were dull and baggy.

After taking a long shower I felt much better, and the bags under my eyes had disappeared and my eyes were slowly going back to it's normal colour.

As I went in my closet looking for something comfortable to wear I found my dark washed skinny jeans that I got for my birthday last year from my best friend kat, but didn't feel like wearing it at the time, so here I am putting it on because I didn't had the time to go shopping.

I paired it with a black oversized t-shirt and black converse, you must be wondering why all black well the truth is I love black don't get me wrong, but the real reason behind this is that people won't notice you that much or if they do notice you most of them will call you freak and stuffs like that.

As I throw on my dark brownish wig and put in my contacts that makes my eyes looked brown.

I wanted to look convincible. me a weirdo but.... I actually put on big rimmed glasses.

Scanning my attire in the full length mirror I looked like your typical nerd, feeling pleased with my appearance I headed down stairs only to be greeted with the delicious smell of bacons, pancakes and eggs at that moment I hear my stomach rumbles.

"Oh well aren't you hungry you little grump of a stomach. You just had to make yourself knowns huh", I blabbered to tummy.

I make my way to the kitchen my mom greeted me with a wide grin on her face .

"Are you excited for senior year ", my mom ask excitedly I nodded in response as I take a seat and start digging in my food.

I keep wondering what makes her so excited, because this is the first time I've seen her so happy since Dad died. I remember when the three of us used to hang out in the park when I was 6 years old and how dad would come up with silly jokes and my Mom and I would laugh our guts out.

Something snapped me out of my thoughts as I realized my mom hugging me and saying how she cannot believe her baby girl has grown so fast.

After finishing breakfast I grab my bag and bid mom a good bye hug before heading out the door.

As I stepped outside I realized a certain car parked in our driveway before wondering who it was the door to the drivers side flew open and out jumped my best friend.

kat! I shouted with a bit of surprise in my voice although I was so excited because I haven't seen her over the summer and here she was with a new car in my driveway we rush towards each other hugging tightly before letting go.

"now tell me what you've been up to over the holidays", she ask excitedly

"same ol, same ol" I replied rejusting her that nothing special happened.

Before I could say anything else, she drags me to the passenger side.

"Get in or else you want to be late on your first day of your senior year", she said in a strong tone.

"Trust me the last thing on my mind is to be late, wouldn't want any unwanted attention on the first day now would we", I stated whispering the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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