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It's a hard thing to imagine how somebody copes with grief and at the same time has to build a new life—Caitroina Balfe

They'd strung up sparkly lights along the railing of Ian's back deck and placed coolers strategically around the yard.  A speaker had been set up next to the grill and bowls of chips and platters of veggies and dip had been laid out on nearby tables.

As Hadley carried out packages of buns and placed them on a table with some condiments, Ian followed with a plate of Karen Brown's homemade burgers and packages of store-bought hot dogs.  He set it down near the grill and flipped it on to heat up.

"I think we're ready," he said.

"I think so.  What time did you tell everyone to get here?"

Ian had been strategic.  Hadley had wanted to surprise everyone so she'd had him lie to each of their friends as to the reason for why they were coming over.  Casey thought it was date night.  Brian, Trevor, Devon, and Jacob thought it was a guys' night.  Elise, Amy, and Amanda had been told that Ian was planning a surprise for Casey and wanted their input.  He'd invited a few other underclassman that Hadley didn't know as well but he hadn't given them an excuse.  Instead, he'd told them to show up an hour after he'd instructed the others to arrive. 

Hadley didn't know if they would all be surprised or if any had figured it out but looking around at his finely decorated yard with the food and the coolers all ready, she didn't particularly care.  It was guaranteed to be a fun night.  Maybe one of the last nights they were all together.

She knew that a few were leaving early for college. A few others were travelling before they went off to school.  The last night before high school was officially over and they were on to bigger and better things.

"Between seven-thirty to eight.  Is Ty coming?"

"I told him to get here a little bit later.  But yes, he's coming."

Ian smiled.  "He's a really cool guy.  Tanner would have liked him a lot."

Hadley knew this.  Ty was the kind of person Tanner would have gotten along famously with.  She was sad that they would never have the chance to meet but she was always surprised when Ty would casually mention her brother as if he had known him.  All of the letters and the challenges had provided that connection. 

"Yeah, I know.  He probably would have tried to scare Ty off too.  The way that he did to Creepy Carter and Pete Smalls and Theo Wilson.  It wouldn't have worked though.  I mean, I've done plenty to try and scare Ty off and he's still here.  That's how Tanner would have known that he was a good guy."

Ian blinked at her.  "You know about Carter, Pete, and Theo?"

"Tanner told me about them in one of his letters."

"Were you mad?"

"No."  He seemed to relax slightly.  Hadley grinned.  "Let me guess – you were a part of those warning conversations, weren't you."

Ian held up his hands in a motion of surrender.  "I am not going to confirm or deny that."  He was saved by the ringing of the doorbell.  "I'm gonna get that."

"Yeah, yeah, run away you chicken," she called after him as he dashed through the doorway.  His laugh echoed back to her.

A moment later, he returned towing all of the guys.  Trevor was in the front and he stopped dead in the doorway, taking in the lights and the grill and the music.  And then Hadley herself. 

"No shit! How's it going, Brown? You set all this up?"

"I had some help," she admitted with a glance to Ian.  Trevor was already in front of her and had scooped her up for a hug.  "How's it going, Trev?"

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