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Klaus had been attempting to impress Hannah all week

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Klaus had been attempting to impress Hannah all week. Hannah had done all that she to avoid talking or even interacting with the hybrid. 

For some reason, Hannah had begun to think about Klaus not knowing that Jace was his son. It was difficult for her to come to terms that the father and son should have a real relationship. 

Hannah wanted to tell Klaus really badly that Jace was his child, that she knew everything about him cheating, and that's why she's chosen not to want to pursue a romantic relationship with Klaus. 

Though, she didn't have the guts to do that.

Klaus was not known to be a patient man, and he was on his way to talk to Hannah in her office. He had hoped that maybe there might be a chance for them to be together, a world in which she would accept him again. 

Just as she had in the past. Though, it turns out that there was already someone in Hannah's office, her son Jace.

"Mom, I have been spending a lot more time with Hope these days," Jace said.

He wanted to tell his mother that the girl was actually sweet, that he wanted to tell her that they were related. That they were half-siblings. 

Before Jace could do that though, he needed his mother to know what he had planned, and she had to approve it. Without his mother's approval, Jace couldn't do anything. He knew he would hurt her more than anything.

Breaking Hannah's trust has become a sore spot for Hannah, therefore Jace had to ask her.

"That's great honey, I am happy that you guys are getting along," Hannah said.

Hannah had still not known about the fact that Lizzie had not accepted Hope into their friend group. That she held resentment for the fact that her father had hurt her mother. 

In ways that her mother has not yet recovered from. Lizzie tends to stay out of any conversation that involves Hope so that she wouldn't have to answer truthfully. 

That's usually what happens to Hannah's children, they spill out the truth right in front of their mother.

"Yeah it is mom," Jace had said quietly to himself. 

Jace was a child who was very open and confident, therefore this was a shock to Hannah, seeing him so quiet and hesitant around her.

Therefore, she had put her pen and paper is down, and gave all her attention to a child.

"Jace, what is it? You know that you can tell me anything," Hannah said. 

Her children always come first for her, and the fact that Jace wasn't comfortable with sharing something with her was something that Hannah had to give all of her attention to. 

Therefore, as she was glancing at Jace, Jace had broken down.

"I want to tell Hope the truth," Jace said. 

Hannah was not sure if he was actually being serious about what he wanted. This kind of announcement, telling his half-sibling that they were siblings was a big deal. This would shake their family in a way that is irreversible. 

Hannah did not tell Klaus that Jace was his child because he cheated on her and because later on when he found out that the hybrid had a daughter, he couldn't know now that he had a son. His world would change drastically, with one child it was enough of a change. 

Finding out that you have a child that your past lover had and hid from you would change him a lot.

"Jace, you know my belief in telling their family the truth," Hannah said.

Her tone has changed drastically, she was no longer the carefree mom, rather she was more of a strict mom. 

This kind of discussion of this much of a change was something that everyone needed to be involved with, not something that a mother and son would have. Now the family had grown so much, this affected so many people in so many different ways.

Jace had then all of a sudden become much angrier than before. He didn't know where this anger was coming from, but it wasn't going away. 

For years he had to live without a father figure, and Alaric just was not enough, he wanted his biological father. He wanted Klaus. He was upset with the fact that his mother didn't understand, therefore he had responded with,

"Then when are we going to tell Klaus that I am his son!" Jace had shouted at his mom.

Hannah was shocked by the fact that Jace had shouted at her, it was very rare when he did. These kinds of outbursts only happened whenever he was genuinely angry. Where he couldn't contain his anger anymore, and he would explode towards the first person that he could find. In this case, the explosion had come towards his mother. 

On the other side of the door, Klaus' eyes had widened in shock. He had another child, a child that he did not know about. 

Then, there was the sound of a door bursting open. 

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