~t e x t s n i n e t e e n~

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He's right in front of her. No, not her lover, her brother.

She's wanting to run up to him so bad. She wants to move, she wants to at least move a finger, or a muscle, anything. But she can't. She's frozen in place. She doesn't believe it.

"Hey girlie." He laughs at his own cheeziness.

Everything snaps, and she's not paralyzed anymore. She sprints up to him and hugs him as hard as she could, tears once again welling up in her eyes.

"Why- how- how are you here?" She questions him as she pulled away to look him in the eye.

He laughs.

"I'm in your dream."

She looks at him, questions all over her face. He laughs once again at her confusion.

"I'm dreaming?" She asks him.

He nods.

"Are you... real?" She asks yet again another question.

He smiles and nods again.

"No-" she says quietly shaking her head, still not believing it.

"Oh yes." He says, chuckling, looking her straight in the eye.

"That's not possible," She shakes her head.

"Well did you at least miss me?" He asks her the questions, changing the subject.

"Cameron-" She lets a few tears rip away from the bridge of her eyes.

He wipes them away.

He just looks at her, and smiles. She smiles back.

His face suddenly turns, and he's looking at her with seriousness.

"Wake up."


"Wake up."

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

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