Bighit's girl (P.3)

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On with the story.

Yeonjun pov

As hyungs pulled me back from killing that guy, how did he touch my girl!!!

Rm: yeonjun he'll die!!!
Soobin: leave him now!!!
Jin: where did y/n go?

As I checked my phone, cuz my phone can detect her phones location....

Yeonjun: she's at her **** apartment..... Let's go!
Bts: kaja!

*Magical time skip to her apartment*

As I entered her apartment the lights were off, as I ran towards her room, seeing her on her bed, curled up in a ball.... Tear stains on her cheeks.... As I went towards her and backhugged her....

Jun: babe are you feeling better?
Y/n: yeonjun..... I'm feeling better......

As her eyes widened....

Jun: what happened?
Y/n: Jun there is a scar on your lip, it's bleeding..... I'll get the first aid!!!

She said as she ran out of the room....

Jun: baby it's not needed.....

As I went behind her.....

Y/n: did you get in a fight?
Jun: ummm....
Beomgyu: yeah.... He did....
Y/n: wait are you guys also hurt anywhere.....
Bts: no no we're not.... Are you feeling better?
Y/n: I'm cool.... I'm ju-jitso pro!!!
Bts: come here give us a hug....

As she went towards her.....

Rm: TXT you also come here.... Group hug!
Suga: you're bighits girl, no one will ever hurt you....
Btxt: Yess!
Y/n: thank you guys..... Btw it's late you can stay here for the night!

As she left all of us (from the hug)....

Y/n: there are 5 guest rooms, you guys would have to squish..... My house is really small.....
Jin: it's good that you atleast invited us! We'll manage!
Y/n: thanku oppa! Junnie your first aid! Let's go to my room!
Jun: okay!
Taehyun: wait why is yeonjun staying in your room!
Jun: cuz she's mah girlfriend!
Y/n: don't be rude junnie, you can also stay with us tae!

As he (taehyun) hugged her and said....

Tae: your girlfriend is better that you hyung!
Yeonjun: stay away from her!
Tae: I'm not sleeping in her room, okayy!
Jk: I'm sleepy let's go!
Bts: yeahh.....

*Magical time skip to y/n's room*

Y/n: baby.... Can you call kookie here!
Jun: Yess..... Just wait!

As I got out of the room and called kookie hyung, as he walked sleepily....

Jun: Sophie.... Kookie is here!
Kook: hey Sofie you called!
Y/n: babe not this kookie.... Mine kookie!

She said sleepily as I gritted my teeths, only I'm her..... No one else, as I understand she is talking about her manager jungkook.....

As I turned around with jk hyung....

Y/n: tell him Sophie needs him...
Jun: okay I'll tell him....

I said with gritted teeths, as jk noticed it....
In the hallway....

Jk: is that kookie trouble?
Jun: no I trust y/n....
Jk: ohh
Jun: but I don't trust that guy.....
Jk: you should tell y/n about this.... That you don't want him near her....
Jun: how can i tell her that it's her manager and they are really good friends.... And I'm already too possessive!
Jk: atleast warn that kookie.... Or threat him....
Jun: will you help....
Jk: you should do it yourself....
Jun: okay!
Jk: I'll stay till he comes!
Jun hmmed

*Magical time skipppp, when manager arrives*

As I opened the door, and saw him with some soft toys of BT21 and some snacks.

Ma. Jk: excuse me.... Too much stuff!
Jun: ohh yeah!
Ma. Jk: where is y/n?
Jun: in her bedroom.... 1st room to the-
ma. Jk: I know!

As he ran upstairs....

Jun: whatever....
Jk: jealousy is bad for health..... Let's go upstairs....
Jun: yeahh....

As I and jk peeped inside the room... Seeing y/n wrapped in her manager arms crying her eyes out.... As they were talking, he said something as she screamed making us enter the room...

Y/n: JUNGCOCK you're not doing it!
Jun: not doing what?!!
Y/n: he's going to tell my mom and dad about the incident....
Ma. Jk: I have to tell them y/n try to understand...
Y/n: but they will not let me stay in Seoul then...
Ma. Jk: they will i promise.....
Y/n: you are like my brother right try to understand..... I first only move a lot, if they call me back to LA I won't be able to meet junnie at all....

As I smile crept on my face..... Brother Yess!
As I higfived jk hyung....

Y/n: why are you so happy.... When I'm crying to stay with you....
Jun: sry.... Yeah kookie pls don't tell her parents.....
Ma. Jk: I have to tell them but I promise they won't call you to LA.....
Y/n: okay...
Ma. Jk: tomorrow chanyeol will be behind the bars, I'll get the cctv footage from bighit.... Bye!
Y/n: bye... Stay safe!

As he left.....

Y/n: why are still awake kookie oppa?
Jk: yeah... I'll go bye.....

As he also left....

Jun: let's sleep love....
Y/n: good night baby...
Jun: good night!

The final part.....
Thanks for the read

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