And she said, “Tell me something I can’t understand”
The moments of her life had drained her; she wanted to hear something she had never heard, think about something she would never do, for she was tired of everything she had been before.
So he told her, in all the languages he knew that she would never know.
Somehow she knew he was telling her how much he loved her.
When he stopped to draw a breath, she looked up at him.
“That was beautiful. Sometimes the things you understand in your heart are completely different from those understood by your head.”
‘Why is that?’ she thought.
He picked up her thought as breathlessly as the wind picks up paper bags.
“Our heart knows things we may never understand. It has been alive forever and has seen much more of the world than we may ever see. To understand your heart is to understand life itself,” he said.
“Will I ever know what my heart wants?”
“All things will happen with time and nurturing.”
With that, he stood up and took his lanky body to the kitchen to make her tea.
Adria was the most extraordinary person she had ever met.
She wanted to be with him for the rest of forever.
She just wished her head would stop interfering with a decision that was her heart’s.
That was the day she realised that a person should not be judged by their gender; the day she knew that she would love Adria if he was still a woman.
But knowing this made it even worse.
Because, in the name of Adria’s undying love for her, she had stolen not only his heart, but his birthright, to be female, just due to fear of being labelled a lesbian.
But this was a time of never going back.