Seing the pacific ocean like

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- after jared, frozerMCPE and sam woke jp they go out and all members talking-

frozerMCPE= guys lets talk about ocean biome

Cyrus=I remain in this village I will make this village into my castle

Jared=oh the golems arived I will talk to them (talking to the golems with golem version talk), cyrus I tell them that you would be their leader now me and our members will go in the ocean biome

Cyrus=take this fire compass. this compass have arrow wich it points on me so if you need me just follow the arrow what its pointing, just return here in next 1 year and you will see this village is a castle


FrozerMCPE=so ocean now have ocean mounument

Herobrine=yes, btw our members from now r 4 but we r still strong.

FrozerMCPE=yhea, were strong. Btw ocean mounument is big wee need to build our house first in a normal build dont use your power to build fast just build a house like normal players do and it will be gonna fun

-after they choping lots of woods they build and huge modern housr-

Sam=guys lets find some ingredients to make a potion that is water proff spell XD

FrozerMCPE= here take this ice compass its like cyrus compass if you lost just follow the compass and you will be right her, beacuse you guys will find the ingredients and ill stay here to guard our house

Sam, herobrine, and jared= ok

-after finding some ingredients they return in the house-

Sam, herobrine, and jared = were back

Stranger=give that stuff to me or ill kill this guy

FrozerMCPE=no, dont give that ingredients (ooowwwoooooofffff)

-frozerMCPE teleported into the place where sam, herorine and jared standing-

Sam=one shot one kill (istoryestes meriosa)

- the stranger died bacause of the fire ball from sam-

Server=warning sam kild a 50+ players

Jared & frozerMCPE= what

Sam= its a long story, herobrine and me kill 50 evils wich herobrine give me a chance to kill them

frozerMCPE=(mutant snow golem rise on the snow) a snow 6x6 in the ground apear and a 1 mutant snowman rise up.

FrozerMCPE=im tired walking and guarding this place ill sit at yhe right side arms of my mutant snow golem.

Sam, herorine, & jared =-_-

FrozerMCPE= what, ?

Jared= nevermind lets use this potion (break potion sound){jared, sam, frozerMCPE,  & herobrine & also the mutant snow golem have water resistance}

Herobrine= lets now go in the water.

-after they go in the water and swim and swim they found an ocean mounument-

Jared=look an ocean mounument

Sam & herobrine= oh a guardians

Sam&frozerMCPE=lets us handle it

Jared=no dont use your power, if frozer use his power all of us will frozed, if sam use hid blue fire power all this place will be heated and frozer and me will die also herobrine, ill handle this

-guardians are shooting lazers-

Jared=haaaaaaaa....... ya! (Jared shoot many arrows like in super fast moves

Sever=jared has the thropy of killing guardians

FrozerMCPE=ill plabt some ice bombs here

Sam=ill plant blue flame boms also inside

Sam & frozerMCPE= herobrine and jared wait for us


-frozer and sam planted some bombs. After a while they go in the land and wait for the explotion ...................booooommm!!!!!!-

Server=warning powercraft is now promoted in to a suprime team

Server=powercraft destroy an ocean mounument

Server= powercraft has rewarded full diamond armour each 1 member of powercraft

FrozerMCPE,  sam, jared, and herobrine= yes!

-after they explode an ocean mounument they return to the house-

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