Heaven Chapter 13 "I love you"

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When my mom called, I knew someone close to me was hurt. So right after we hung up I speeded to the hospital. My mom texted me and told me the room number was 194 on the 10th floor. So when. I got to the hospital I told the man at the front desk the room number and he gave me a visitors pass. After I got through the gates I ran into Diara.

You: Diara!

Diara: I can't talk I need to get the people at the front desk! *runs to the front desk*

Then after that I started to run even faster. I got to the end of the hallway then I started to press the elevator button to go up really fast. Then the door opened and I saw August's Mom was on her way to the room too.

Mrs.Alsina: Hey Heaven

You: Hi Mrs.Alsina, do you know what happened and who's hurt?

Mrs.Alsina: No, I have no clue, August told me it was an emergency and he didn't have time to talk.

You: Oh same with my mom


You: *walks out with Mrs.Alsina and shows her the room number* 194,194,194,194, Excuse me?

Nurse: yes?

You: Can you direct us to this room number *hands her the paper*

Nurse: 194? Down the hall to your left the 5th to last room, oh and... Im so sorry.... *walks away*

You: What? What happened? *runs to the room*

When I walked in I saw someone else on the left side around so I had to walk around around the curtain to get to the ride side of the room (on the other half).

When I got to the other side I saw everyone crying but none in the bed...

You: What happened?

Diara's Mom: Jasmine got jumped and they shot her right in the back of her head. She's in emergency surgery and its life threatening..

You: *your eyes start getting red and you begin to cry* what? No, this can't be true.. *cries* not Jas, Not my girl, not my ride or die. *cries hard*

August: *stands up* Heaven *hugs you* she gon make it, we just gotta pray for our girl

You: *lets go and walks outside whipping your tears*

August: *follows you to the hallway* Heaven..

You: *wipes your tears and looks up at him* (your like 4'9😐)

August: *puts his hands on your face and wipes your tears for you*

You: Thank y-you..

August: No problem..

You: No, thank you, for always being there when nobody was there to listen or understand,but you. I love you.

August: I love you t-too.. *leans in and kisses you*

You: *kisses back adding tounge*

August: *moves his hands to your butt*

You: *pulls away* .... so what does this mean?

August: What do you want it to mean?

You: I-I don't know...

August: Well I want it to mean this *kisses you again*

You: *pulls away* true *laughs*

August: *laughs* see, your not crying anymore

You: *smiles* I guess..

Doctor: *comes around the corner*

August: I guess we should get back inside

You: *walks inside*

August: *follows you*

You: *sits down next to August and Diara*

Doctor: *walks in* okay where are the parents of Miss Jasmine?

Jasmine parents: Right here, it's ok you can say it to everyone..

Doctor: okay.. *opening up Jasmine's medical folder and stamps it and closes it*

Everyone: ......

Doctor: okay, sadly the bullet has gone too far in her brain and we weren't able to save her in time.

Everyone: what!? *everyone begins to cry*

Doctor: And may I speak with Mr. and Mrs. Richardson (Jasmine's parents)

Mr. And Mrs. Richardson : *follows the doctor out*

You: I th-think i-I n-need a f-ew moments a-lone outside of the hospital *you said grabbing your purse walking outside*

August: Heaven *gets up*

Macy: *pushes him back down*

Diara: She needs her time alone...


You: *crying looking out in the distance at a good view of the city*

My Jas, She gone. And she not coming back. Why her? Why she gotta go? Why did the bullet to kill her? Why did they shoot her? Why did they jump her? Why couldn't Heaven wait for her? Why did she have to go at 17 years young? Why couldn't she get a chance to graduate? *pulls out for phone and gets on Instagram and makes a post about Jasmine and posts it and then changes your bio to:

doing it because Jasmine wouldn't want me to stop#LongLiveJas👼💓

*then you save your bio and you play the song: B**** don't kill my vibe by Kendrick Lamar then you continue to think while the music is playing loud over the city*

*august walks behind you*
(You don't notice)

You: So is this it? This all Jasmine had left? Why did she have to die? What did she even do? *sings* Lord forgive me,Lord forgive me, for the things I don't understand, sometimes I need to be alone.. B*tch don't kill my vibe, B*tch don't kill my vibe. I can feel your energy from two planets away, *stops and starts crying* Long live Jas..

August: Heaven, you okay?..

*then a Heaven by Beyoncé plays*

You: *looks at the view* what does it look like? Jasmine is gone. My Girl Is gone. My Ride or die. My partner in crime.... My girl is gone.. forever.... and she's not coming back... *sings*

Heaven couldn't wait for Jas.. So gooo home, go , home...

August: Dang Heaven, You-you can sing

Heaven: I just sung 1 little part of a song...

August: No, I heard you sing b*tch don't kill my vibe, your talented, now let's get off this roof and get back in..


Who shot Jasmine?


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