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I finally had my kids back
Caine and king got they dreads they so happy
Nai called me for the 50th time
"Let me talk to my nephews"
They don't even know y'all asses in jail
"Shut the fuck up"
I gave king the phone
I'm sorry keenon,I got your money please don't touch me
"Oh now I'm keenon"
I'm sorry
"Whatever bitch"
I heard a big ass boom
I looked up and seen rose fell down the stairs
Damn bitch
"Shut up pickle head"
Bitch are we 2 or 20
"Let her ass go and come get with a real bitch"
"You smell like fish...."
"Keenon stop lying"
Sis he-ok
"I stink guys?"
Ye-I don't know
"Yeah you do for real"
I started sneezing as she got closer
"Yo bag back"
She backed up and I stopped sneezing
"You tryna be funny"
How when I got allergies
"Yeah ok"
Keenon can you get her out of here
"Bitch you in a basement where ain't nobody gone find you and don't nobody love you"
Ok I closed my eyes
"Why she close here eyes"
"Get out"
I heard footsteps and a door
I opened my eyes
"You know me and roddy cracked her before she was fishy"
Mmhm I rolled my eyes
"Why can't you just have my baby"
I can't have no more babies my tubes tied
"So if I plant my seed in you,you ain't gone get pregnant"
No and leave me alone
"Let me plant right quick"
No I pushed him
"Alright bet"
I started throwing up when he turned around
"Fuck wrong with you"
When the last time we did it
" a week ago"
I started crying.
I think I'm pregnant Yg
"Keenon*and that's good"
No it's not I cried
"Shut the fuck up"
I sniffled and laid on the cold floor shaking
"Come upstairs and lay with me"
I don't wanna go
"I swear I'm not gone hurt you"
I got up slowly and walked towards him
"Gimme kiss"
I don't feel good
"Where is mommy"
I really don't know
"Will her come back"
I don't know caine
Jr started yelling at the tv
"Dada he yelling"
I know king,y'all go get in the shower the food gone be done later
"Ok"king and Caine hugged me then the ran to the shower
I checked on the seafood boil and it was almost done
I started writing in my book while jr cooed
Wassup mans
I know I miss her ass too
The way she rode this d-
Awl shit you my son-
King and Caine came downstairs
"Hi baby"
"Ew you look like dad"
Nigga y'all all look like me
"No because my eyes better"Caine said
"You eyes is green and dad eyes green brown"
"My eyes light brown"king said
Jr eyes blue for some reason
He stopped cooing and started screaming
Shut the fuck up with that punk shit
"Yeah that cry baby ass shit"Caine mugged jr
Jr mugged Caine
Jr started yelling at Caine
Dada ain't do shit
"Is the food done"
Yeah,come to the table
They  ran towards the table
Jr chill
He stopped cooing
I grabbed plates and started putting crab legs and lobster on them
"Smell good"
"Dad you cook this"
Yeah king
I poured them apple juice and gave them their plates
"Thank you"
Jr you want a bottle
I'm guessing that's a yes
I grabbed his bottle out the fridge and warmed it up
I grave him his bottle and he mugged me and continued drinking
"Dada"He stopped drinking and smiled at me
This nigga made my day man
"Yeah free TT's
They didn't have to beat up my ole freak.....

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