Chapter 4

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Lesson 2 Macaron in bed

Namjoon POV.

I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed.I just got to lay down on this matress around 5 or 6.I don't know what time it is today but I want to stay in here.Rolling in my bed and tried to get another sleep,the room door get knocked by someone.

"I swear if it's the room service,I gonna roar at them." I grab my pillow with me.

"I don't want any ser-vice."

Jeez,why did she come here.Standing here beautifully dress up with a plastic bag in the left hand.My eyes widen and shut the door close.'What am I gonna do now?' i run around my room,clean up my mess,brush my teeth and check myself in the mirror.Then I go back to the door.

"Sorry to come here without your acknowledge but today our house close.I decide to come here and give you this instead."

"Oh thank you.Come in first."

She bow a bit before come inside the room.She set the plastic bag aside and start to roaming around my room.

"Do you want to go out somewhere? I think you didn't go some part of town yet."

"Uhhh yeah but well can I uhh.."

"Wait?you look like you did sleep at all!Oh gosh I'm sorry.Go back to sleep,I'll prepare breakfast for you.At least,that's what I can do."

I didn't say anything and go back to sleep.I think she must order something downstairs from the loby and take my keycards with her.I decide to sleep like she says.


I awake from a sound.I don't really know where it's from but awake anyway.I take the towel and my clothes then get in the shower.When I finish dressing and come out,the smell of something is in the air.

"Oh how's your sleep?Breakfast is ready."

"Good.I hope I have this every day."The last part,I mumble with myself.

"Dig in before we start our journey."

While I'm eating,I notice her put something into a small plate.Not so long,she settles them near my glass.


"Yeah,from the shop.I hope you like it.I heard from my cowoker that you order this with you when you've your first visit."

"It's good."

I take a bite of them.This must be the salt caramel one.It smooth and a little gooey which I love the taste.When I eat them,she will tell the fun facts one by until we reach the last piece.


"Well last but not least,macaron was found in Italy and brought to France."

"Isn't it french who found it?"

"That's what you'll believe because it's popular in France but no."

"Hmmm interesting." Then I note down into my phone.

"Ready to go?"

She's right.There are some parts of city I never come across it yet.She literally take me everywhere the park,the library,the museum,the clock tower and load of shops.We even walk till the sun set.

"It was such a good trip today.How was it,you one day trip by me?"

"Nice,I don't know there were loads of shops."

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