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Blaze, a grayish-red wolf with orange eyes, chuckled as he padded beside Berry. His sister's fur was a bit redder than his but not by much. Her dark green eyes watched the horizon as they walked.

"So glad Grass finally decided to get rid of that blind wolf." Berry said calmly.

"And he told us to get rid of it!" Blaze added, much more excited than his sister.

"Hope she dies out there. She probably will but if she doesn't that means she's taking our food." Sighed Berry, wagging her tail slightly.

"Grass will be so proud of us!" He said, wagging his tail much more than his sister.

"We were ordered to kill her. Grass could reasonably demote one of us to omega!" She growled, a light whimper in her voice.

"She'll die anyway. She's blind." Blaze shrugged.

"But what if that Buzzard helps her?! He's been causing us trouble lately, taking our prey and walking in on our territory!" Berry countered.

He sighed. "Listen, we got her out of the pack, right?"

"I guess..."

"So we did our job!" He pointed out.

She rolled her eyes and trotted ahead of him, seemingly annoyed.

"Berry!" Blaze chuckled, speeding up to stay next to her.

"I'm mad at you now. That's your fault." Berry growled before racing off to where the pack was staying.

He sighed and chased after his sister.


"Is it gone?" Grass asked Blaze sternly.

"Yes, alpha. Berry and I were sure to get rid of her." He replied, ears back by the slightest.

"Alright. Go ahead and get ready for the hunt." Grass commanded.

Blaze nodded before going off to find Berry. She was chatting with Sand, the tan beta that had dark brown eyes. Blaze despised Sand, but couldn't do anything about it. Sand was a higher rank than him and seemed to like hanging out with Berry.

"Berry, we're going on the hunt soon." He said, trotting up to her.

"Actually, I've spoken to Grass and we're going to watch over the pups." Sand growled.

"Sorry, Blaze. I'll hang out with you later?" Berry quickly added, automatically feeling bad.

"Y-Yeah... sure." Blaze muttered before glaring at Sand and walking off.

She sighed and continued her conversation with Sand.

Grass walked over, the cave they were all staying in now empty. "Alright everyone, lets go hunt!" He shouted.

All the wolves that were going on the hunt gathered before all racing down the slope of the mountain.

Hope you guys don't hate Blaze! Also, should I do Night's perspective or Blaze's?

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