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Alec fidgets with the ring in his pocket as he leads Aurora, unaware, to a yacht he purchased specifically for this occasion. Nestled in his pocket is an engagement ring for his beloved. He's anticipated this moment since realizing he can't imagine life without her.

Falling in love with Aurora was an entirely new experience for him, unlike the fleeting desires he once knew. He understood lust but not love until her. His affections were reserved for only his baby sister and their mother.

He can still recall Tamara's shriek of excitement when he shared his plans with the family. Tamara adored Aurora like a sister ever since they met. Even his Dad was thrilled about his son settling down at just twenty-one. The only condition his father imposed was to continue training to take over the family business. While Amelia, his stepmother, had reservations, Alec paid little attention to her opinions.

"Alec, where are we going?" Aurora's melodious voice interrupts his thoughts. She's both impatient and loves surprises. She dislikes being in the dark but craves the thrill of being surprised.

Turning to her, Alec squeezes her hand reassuringly. "It's a surprise, Princess. I've mentioned it before."

She squints at him suspiciously. "But you don't own a yacht, Alec. Jack would've already brought us here if that were the case," she points out, referring to past family trips arranged by his father.

"I bought one," he confesses with a mischievous grin.

Her eyes widen in surprise. "Alec Ramirez! Why would you need a yacht?" she questions, her thrifty nature surfacing. Alec understands her concern; she doesn't approve of unnecessary expenses, but he's willing to splurge on her happiness.

"Don't worry, Princess. Dad helped with the finances. Plus, I know how to pilot a yacht," he boasts, recalling his high school days spent learning with Dustyn, his best friend.

Aurora, still skeptical, withdraws her hand. Alec halts, confused by her sudden resistance. "I don't understand why you have to spend so much," she voices her concern.

Exasperated, Alec steps closer, framing her face with his hands. Without another word, he claims her lips in a kiss, momentarily silencing her.

When he breaks away, a smile graces her lips. Beautiful, Alec thinks as he gazes at her. Being with her brings him contentment he never knew before.

"I can't stand you," she retorts, feigning annoyance at his successful attempt to silence her with a kiss. She's aware of his affectionate nature, a stark contrast to his past relationships.

As he's recounted to her countless times, she entered his life unexpectedly, bringing light into his darkest days. While she insists it was Mara who revived him, Alec credits Aurora for his transformation.

Aurora admires Alec's love for his sister. She's witnessed his tender care towards Mara, revealing a side of him few see. Their bond is something she yearned for with her own siblings but never experienced.

"I love you too, Princess," Alec replies with a smile, eager to move past her skepticism. "Come on."

Aurora allows Alec to lead her, unable to resist his infectious excitement. Despite her initial annoyance, she can't help but smile. Being with Alec brings her more happiness than she ever imagined.

Their relationship is unique, she believes. Each day feels like the first time they met, always refreshing. In their four years together, not a single day has been dull. She's finally found the kind of relationship she longed for.

Alec guides her onto the deck, transformed into a romantic setting with string lights illuminating the night. She gazes at him in awe, touched by his thoughtfulness.

"What's all this?" she asks, her mind racing to recall the occasion, fearing she's forgotten something important.

Alec squeezes her hand gently. "Nothing, Princess. I just wanted to do something special for you. And ask you a question," he reveals, his gray eyes filled with vulnerability.

Confused, she tilts her head. "What question?" Her heart pounds in anticipation, fearing the worst yet hoping for the best.

Without hesitation, Alec drops to one knee, taking her hand in his. He gazes up at her, the woman who's changed his life for the better. "Will you, Aurora Kaligaris, be my wife?" he asks, his nerves palpable.

He's made mistakes, but their relationship, though not without challenges, is uniquely theirs. He can't be certain of her answer, but he's willing to take the risk to make her his wife.

Aurora gasps, her hand covering her mouth in disbelief. Tears well in her eyes, overwhelmed by the moment she's dreamed of. Through tears and sobs, she manages to say yes, sealing her answer with a kiss.

It's a night they'll both cherish forever..

(A/N: (1) Not in present time. (2) any thoughts?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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