Chapter 26: Dakarie

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"Yo, pops. Know your probably busy railing that bitc- nope." Karie hung up immediately, tapping the phone to his head.

If he wanted any sort of sympathy from the man, that was definitely not the way to go about shit.

"Sorry. Forget that. Shouldn't have..I mea-..ain't like it isn't true, she kinda is I why the fuck are you with her right now anyway, you know? Last I checked your the adult. Like to act all wise and shit but this seems pretty chil-..fuck. Fucking-

Karie hung up again, groaning. He leaned over the sink, trying to focus. It wasn't about any of that shit. He thought back to what he'd done earlier.

About his anger, about how it consumed him. About what he did to Max.

He wasn't gonna tell anyone about..he couldn't. But his dad. He was the only one that could make him see straight. The only one that could get through to him and even if he didn't care to admit shit to himself or discuss what was happening and what it meant he just..he needed someone to know. Karie needed his father. That was all he knew.

He took a deep breath, dialing his pops. The voice message came up again.

"I messed up." Karie said bluntly, tired of his rambles. "Wit-..with a guy. Not like I put one in the hospital or something know what I'm trying to say. I.."

He sighed, anxiety and embarrassment coursing through him. What his father would say. What he would think.

Karie hated the words that were coming from him but he couldn't be responsible for his own actions at the moment. He was losing it and his father was the only one who could help.

It might not have been fair but that didn't make it any less true.

"Look, I don't wanna hear about this later. I don't want to talk, not about this shit. There's nothing..nothing to talk about, we don't talk about this. Alright? I just..there's prob-..probably tests or some shit I need to get and I'm fucking scared and emb-..I need help. I can't do this on my own I don't know what the f-


"You son of a bitch-" Karie tsked pulling the phone away.

His finger brushed a wet spot on his screen. He scowled, wiping at the tears building in his eyes.

Fucking pussy.

He dialed his father up one last time.

"Just get home man. I'm sorry I disappointed you."


Well. Now he knew. Now what?

Was he..fucking gay now or some shit? Was he just supposed to go around telling everybody? Was he still allowed to be into women or..?

He shook his head, gripping the counter.

He didn't feel gay. But as much as he hated it, the shit he was feeling it wasn't normal. It wasn't how he cared about friends, it wasn't what he was used to.

It was so..different. And with them it was strong and new and there was so much he wanted to do and..try.

That thought alone had him beating himself down.

It might seem ridiculous but..all those times. All those moments with them, he refused to think about it. What it was, what it meant, what it made him.

Actions came easier to him then words. Actions were wants and needs and desires. They were inevitable but words..they were truth. They were vulnerability, they were reality. All the things he struggled to face.

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